#BeUMC logo: red and black, transparent background

Below you'll find downloads from our collection of promotional graphics. These resources will help you promote awareness of the #BeUMC campaign to your congregation or group. Use these graphics on your social media channels and church website, in worship and other events, or on any electronic or print communication. Or create your own custom graphics using imagery from your community with the help of design assets.

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Core value images

Each core value or theme includes free graphics you can use in your communications as well as a users’ guide. Find an alphabetical listing of the core values. Download images

The #BeUMC campaign reminds us of who we are at our best. As people of God called The United Methodist Church, we’re faithful followers of Jesus seeking to make the world a better place. #BeUMC logo on black background.

Logos and other graphics

Get additional graphics to help you share the #BeUMC campaign with your congregation. Downloads include the #BeUMC logo, a Zoom background and several photo backdrop options. Download images

The #BeUMC campaign reminds us of who we are at our best. As people of God called The United Methodist Church, we’re faithful followers of Jesus seeking to make the world a better place. Use this video to introduce the #BeUMC campaign to your group. Image screenshot from video..

#BeUMC Video Resources

Download and share these #BeUMC videos on your social media channels, your website, or as a part of your worship service. Download images

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