United Methodist Church Monthly Ministry Planner

The January Monthly Ministry Planner page emphasizes themes of faithfulness, renewal, and justice as we start a new year. It encourages congregations to reflect on their baptismal vows, celebrate Epiphany, and honor Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy by living out Christ's love through action and unity. View resources

The February Monthly Ministry Planner page emphasizes themes of love and relationships. It encourages congregations to celebrate Valentine's Day by fostering love within the church community and beyond, and to reflect on the importance of healthy relationships in our lives. View resources

The March Monthly Ministry Planner page emphasizes themes of grace, renewal, and compassion as we enter the season of Lent. It also highlights Women's History Month, celebrating the strength and resilience of women who have inspired change and nurtured faith across generations. View resources

The April Monthly Ministry Planner page emphasizes themes of resurrection and resilience as we enter Holy Week and celebrate Easter. It also highlights Earth Day and World Malaria Day, encouraging congregations to draw strength from the Easter story and reflect on caring for creation and fighting preventable diseases. View resources

The May Monthly Ministry Planner page emphasizes celebrating United Methodist heritage and Asian American & Pacific Islander Heritage Month. It also highlights Aldersgate Day and Mother's Day, encouraging congregations to explore resources that strengthen church ministries and honor those who came before us. View resources

The June Monthly Ministry Planner page emphasizes celebrating Pentecost, the transformative power of the Holy Spirit, and Juneteenth. It also highlights honoring fathers and nurturing the next generation through Vacation Bible School and other summer activities. View resources

The July Monthly Ministry Planner page emphasizes celebrating community and faith beyond church walls. It suggests outdoor worship, camp ministries, mission trips, and fellowship activities to strengthen connections and make disciples. View resources

The August Monthly Ministry Planner page emphasizes new beginnings as families return from vacation and children prepare for school. It suggests planning fall stewardship campaigns, starting fresh with new Sunday school classes or small groups, and enhancing hospitality ministries to welcome new people to the church. View resources

The September Monthly Ministry Planner page emphasizes themes of welcoming and new beginnings. It highlights Back to Church, Back to School, Labor Day, and Hispanic Heritage Month. It offers resources to extend hospitality, love, and unity, creating spaces where everyone feels seen, valued, and embraced. View resources

The October Monthly Ministry Planner page emphasizes themes of unity, faith, and reflection. It highlights observances like World Communion Sunday, Children's Sabbath, Laity Sunday, and Reformation Sunday. It also encourages church conferences, stewardship programs, and community outreach during Halloween. View resources

The November Monthly Ministry Planner page emphasizes gratitude, stewardship, and unity as we enter November. It highlights celebrating Thanksgiving, All Saints Sunday, Reign of Christ Sunday, and United Methodist Student Day. It also recognizes Native American Heritage Month, encouraging reflection, giving, and connection within the church community. View resources

The December Monthly Ministry Planner page emphasizes themes of hope, joy, and giving during the Advent and Christmas seasons. It encourages congregations to engage in acts of service, share the story of Jesus' birth, and support those in need through various ministries and outreach programs. View resources