Connectional Table
Shaping Our Journey: Vision, Mission, Ministry
Our purpose is clear: to discern and articulate a shared vision that guides us forward, stewarding the mission, ministries, and resources entrusted to us. Led by the decisions of the General Conference and in partnership with the Council of Bishops, we are committed to fostering unity, nurturing faith, and empowering ministries across our global connection. Join us as we embark on this spiritual journey, charting the future of our church with faith, love, and purpose.

Discover information and resources on Worldwide Regionalization, the ratification process, and empowering regions to effectively reach people for Christ.

At a time of uncertainty and division, United Methodists everywhere are nevertheless gazing toward the future with hope. By looking closely at the places we experience God in our ministries today, we can discern where God is leading us into the future.
Our work is vision-directed and mission-focused. It aligns with our vision of a church that remains worldwide and contextual, vital and effective, affirming and inclusive, and connectional. Our work has as its central focus the mission of The United Methodist Church to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world.

A key culture shift for The United Methodist Church is the shift from a U.S.-centered denomination to one that is more fully worldwide.

We steward the vision and mission of the church by considering the most effective, cooperative, and efficient way to make use of our ministry, personnel, and resources.

We seek to engage in conversations as our church continues to grapple with what it means to be in mission with all people.