Connectional Table: Who We Are

Members of the Connectional Table engage in discussion during their Spring 2018 meeting. Image courtesy of the Connectional Table.

The structure and organization of the Connectional Table (CT) reflects the desire to ensure that all voices are represented around the table and are heard in the conversation about the mission and ministry of the church.

Learn more about the people, history, vision, and partnerships of the Connectional Table. 

Members of the Connectional Table talk during the April 1028 meeting in Chicago, Illinois. The 64-member leadership body that brings together laity and clergy to coordinate the denomination’s ministries, mission and resources discussed the world-wide nature of the church and the upcoming special General Conference in 2019. Photo by Heather Hahn, UMNS.

Discover the dedicated staff and members who make up our Connectional Table.

Christian Alsed speaks during the Connectional Table meeting held at United Methodist Discipleship Ministries in Nashville, Tenn., April 2. Photo by Kathleen Barry, UM News

Discover the history of the Connectional Table, formed during General Conference 2004.

Mike Dido Jen and Dave Nuckols share conversation on questions relating to the church during the Connectional Table meeting held at United Methodist Discipleship Ministries in Nashville, Tenn., April 2. Photo by Kathleen Barry, UM News

The Connectional Table is committed to a church that remains worldwide and contextual, vital and effective, affirming and inclusive, and connectional.

Communion table with chalices, broken bread, and a cross. Image courtesy Connectional Table.

The Connectional Table works closely with many partners throughout the connection. Learn more about our collaborative work.

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