Illustration by Raftel Design,
Illustration by Raftel Design,

Help your church share their #BeUMC story on social media!

Every church member, local church, and conference is invited to join this meaningful campaign by using the #BeUMC hashtag in social media posts! Our goal is for United Methodists to share their personal experiences, values, hopes, and heritage through photos, videos, and written posts – showcasing why each of us continues to #BeUMC.

Encourage participation by leading with examples. Create your own message, post it on your personal social media page, use the hashtag #BeUMC and then share it on your conference or local church social media pages. Share a video of your mission team serving the community, a photo of your church's hospitality to neighbors, a recording of a small group discussing their spiritual journeys, or your testimony of how God is transforming you. When sharing, include an explanation of the campaign and a request for your audience to participate, such as:

United Methodists around the world are sharing why they choose to #BeUMC. Why are you United Methodist? What makes you excited about the future of our congregation’s ministry and mission? Share your own photo, video, or written post about what our United Methodist experiences, values, hopes, and heritage mean to you. And don’t forget to include #BeUMC in your post!

As the campaign takes root in your congregation, keep the story going, always encouraging your audience to join in and continue using the hashtag. Our hope is that everyone will start adding #BeUMC to posts every time they share something related to their faith.

Get inspired before you create a social media post about your commitment to #BeUMC! Watch these videos of fellow United Methodists sharing what they love about The UMC. Video screenshot.

If you need inspiration to get started, view and share these examples of social media posts created by United Methodists who are celebrating their commitment to #BeUMC.

Social Media allows your church to post photos and videos, online devotions, announcements about upcoming events or programs, and much more. In this online course, learn the best practices for using popular social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube

Learn to use social media effectively and discover best practices for Facebook, Instagram and YouTube in this online training course.


Explore recent #BeUMC social media posts

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