Sponsored by SBC21 and The Black Church Matters’ coaches, this 7-day video series features 2-minute video devotionals accompanied by a prayer starter. Each video features a different Black Church Matters’ coaches reading and reflecting on a different Scripture passage. The theme for April is Faithful.

Invitation to prayer

Sponsored by SBC21 leaders, this 7-day video series features 2-minute video devotionals accompanied by a prayer starter. Each video features a Scripture reading, a reflection on the passage, and a prayer starter. 

We invite persons to be guided by the prayer starter and then take a 5-10 minute pause to hear from God. Keep paper and pen close by to take note of how God speaks to you (audible voice, a memory, a song, etc.) Our prayer is that the practice of listening will help you hear more clearly.

Learn more about #BeUMC

April #BeUMC Theme: Faithful

Church leaders are invited to utilize this resource for spiritual formation and collective prayer with their congregations based on the #BeUMC monthly content themes. You can download the videos to use in your worship and classroom settings as well as on your social media channels. 


Day 1: Ps. 30:4-5 (Let Your Faith Shine Bright)

Kevin Kosh encourages us to let our faith shine brightly in dark times and trust that God will never abandon us. Faith is what makes the impossible possible.


Day 2: Acts 2:21 (Call on the Name of God)

Richard Stryker reflects on the promise that God will be with everyone who calls upon God’s name.


Day 3: 1 Jn. 4:19 (God Loves Us)

Toska Medlock Lee reminds us that there is no greater love than the love God has for us. In these difficult times, we can take comfort in God’s enduring love.


Day 4: Col. 3:13 (Practicing Forgiveness)

Ron Bell talks about the importance of forgiveness in maintaining our relationship with God and each other.



Day 5: Rom. 5:3-4 (Building Up Our Endurance)

Candi Cylar discusses how our struggles give us the opportunity to grow and develop our endurance to become stronger and more faithful Christians.


Day 6: Phil. 2:8 (Christ’s Obedience)

Carolyn Dandridge recalls the miracle of Christ’s incarnation and how he chose to suffer and even die so that we might share in his resurrection.


Day 7: Phil. 3:10-11 (I Want to Know Christ)

Michael Bowie reflects on the words of St. Paul as he writes about longing to know and follow Christ. Bowie proclaims the good news that through Christ our suffering turns to resurrection.

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