Sharing the Inheritance of the Meek

Nyengeterai Mafongoya holds a basket of 20-day-old chicks in Masvingo, Zimbabwe. She started with 20 chicks as part of a United Methodist Women poultry project in February and grown her brood to 100 birds. Photo by Kudzai Chingwe, UM News.

Sharing the inheritance of the meek

Churches in the United States and parts of Europe were unprepared for the realities of living into a pandemic, so they humbly turned to their brethren in Africa who showed them the way through past examples of fighting diseases like Ebola and malaria. The global nature and diversity of our denomination and our willingness to learn from each other and model the meekness of Christ makes our ministry and witness stronger.

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United Methodists fight COVID-19 around the globe

United Methodists in Africa and the Philippines are fighting COVID-19 by making personal protective gear, raising awareness in rural areas and busy cities and breaking down myths. And they are using experiences with Ebola to stop the spread of the virus.

We can learn much from their experiences dealing with communicable diseases, from cholera and influenza to Ebola and HIV.

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Nine-year-old Shantel Resse washes the hands of her younger sister, Reina Muthoni, at Kayole St. John’s United Methodist Church in Nairobi, Kenya. Churches in Kenya are urging members to wash their hands using soap or hand sanitizer to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Photo by Gad Maiga, UM News.

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