Church Committees: Church Council

Stock image of a meeting by Christina @ on Unsplash.
Stock image of a meeting by Christina @ on Unsplash.

This is part of a series of articles on United Methodist church committees. To learn about other committees click here.

What is the purpose of the church council?

The church council plays a central role in the life of a local church or charge, guiding its mission and ministry. According to the UMC Book of Discipline 2024 ¶ 252, the church council is responsible for planning and implementing a program of nurture, outreach, witness, and resources. It also manages the administration of the church’s organizational and temporal life. The council is tasked with envisioning, planning, implementing, and annually evaluating the church's mission and ministry. In its role as the administrative agency of the charge conference, it ensures that all aspects of the church’s work are aligned with its larger vision.

As the primary programmatic body for a local church, the church council oversees three main areas of ministry: nurture, outreach, and witness. Below are examples of ministries that may fall under each category:

  • Nurture: Worship, Sunday school and Christian education, spiritual formation, small groups and stewardship
  • Outreach: Local and global missions, charities, community events and advocacy opportunities
  • Witness: Evangelism, hospitality and communications

Additional responsibilities of the church council include reviewing membership within the congregation, filling vacancies on other program committees between charge conferences, collaborating with the finance committee to develop the annual budget, and reviewing recommendations from other committees.

Who should serve on the church council?

The number of members on the council will vary depending on the size and nature of the congregation, but will consist of no fewer than eleven members. The council will have a chairperson appointed by the charge conference to lead meetings and may assign other roles, such as vice-chair or secretary, as needed. Each core area of ministry (nurture, outreach, and witness) should be represented on the council, with other mandatory members automatically included:

  • The lay leader
  • The church treasurer
  • Lay delegates to the annual conference
  • A representative from the pastor-parish committee
  • A representative from the board of trustees
  • A representative from the finance committee
  • A young adult representative
  • A representative from the United Methodist Youth
  • A representative from the United Women in Faith group
  • A representative from the United Methodist Men group

Additionally, the senior pastor or another appointed clergyperson will attend council meetings.

When selecting council members, it’s important to ensure diversity, representing the full range of ages, genders, and races within the congregation. Vital programs and ministries also should be well-represented. If your church offers multiple worship services, include regular participants from each service on the committee.

Finally, look for natural and potential leaders within the congregation who view membership on the council as an opportunity for growth and meaningful contribution. Members should be committed to the church’s vision and familiar with the church’s overall programming, not just their specific areas of involvement.

How often does the church council meet, and how long do people serve?

The church council must meet at least four times per year, though additional meetings may be called as needed by the chairperson or pastor.

Most members serve a standard three-year term, though they may serve additional terms if reappointed by the nomination and leadership development committee. The term of office for new members begins after charge conference.

Best practices for church council meetings

  • Start each meeting with prayer: Opening meetings with prayer helps members center themselves and reminds them of their purpose. Committees are meant to be spiritual bodies gathering in Christ’s name and inviting the Holy Spirit to guide their work. Here’s an example prayer to begin a meeting: Church committee prayer.
  • Always have an agenda: A well-organized meeting is key to productivity. The chairperson should prepare an agenda before each meeting and share it with members via email. The agenda should include time for ministry updates, as well as space for important matters such as budget updates and filling vacancies.
  • Know the people you’re working with: Strong relationships lead to effective committees. At the first meeting following the charge conference, have each member introduce themselves, share what ministry they represent, how long they’ve been part of the church, and what they love most about the congregation. Repeat this when new members join the council. The pastor and chairperson should also take time to get to know each council member outside of meetings, perhaps over coffee or lunch. Consider planning social activities like potlucks or picnics to foster stronger connections.
  • Focus on the vision: It’s essential for council members to keep the church’s broader vision in mind. As you make decisions, consider how each ministry or program aligns with the church’s vision and the needs of the surrounding community. Encourage each member to reflect on how the ministry they represent connects to the church’s vision and the community’s needs, helping to strengthen the church’s impact on the world.

For helpful information and tips read Guidelines Church Council 2025-2028 (Cokesbury 2024)

This content was produced by ResourceUMC on January 29, 2025. Philip J. Brooks is a writer and content developer at United Methodist Communications. Contact him by email.

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