Digital Communications

Ministry in a digital parish

In our increasingly digitally connected world, church leaders have had to adapt to using new forms of digital technology to communicate with their members and reach out to their surrounding communities.  Find resources to help you build an online presence for your ministries, engage individuals in community, and usher your congregation into digital discipleship.

If your church is lacking the necessary bandwidth to provide optimal livestreaming services, possibly because those who attend in person are drawing from your WiFi, there are solutions to a better outcome. Photo courtesy of Unsplash.

Some churches that provide livestreaming worship services may be seeing the bandwidth required to offer the services being inadvertently diverted to those who have returned to the pews. The good news is there are some solutions.

Photo by Grant Whitty on Unsplash

As churches have been returning to in-person worship services, church leaders throughout the country are encountering a new reality: hybrid worship.

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