Newsletters for Leaders

Keep up with the latest news of the church, find tips and tools for your ministry or inspiration for your daily life. We offer a number of newsletters and podcasts to make your ministry more effective and your spiritual journey more fruitful. Image by antonynjoro, Pixabay.

Resources, news & inspiration – delivered

Find tips and tools for your ministry, get inspiration for your daily life, and stay up to date with the latest news of the church through newsletters from United Methodist Communications.

Subscribe to one or all of our newsletter below.

This handy two-page guide summarizes the brand standards for The United Methodist Church.

Leadership Resources

2x/Month (Tuesday)
Offers timely content, ideas and inspiration that clergy and lay leaders need to support ministry in their local church and community.

UMNews: Fair. Faithful. Trusted.

News from the Church

DAILY (MondayS & WEDnesdays)
Stay informed with news and inspiring stories from the global church.

WEEKLY (Friday)
Summarizes the top news of the week.

MyCom, church marketing email newsletter logo with margin

Communications and Outreach Tips

2x/Month (Tuesday)
Upgrade ministry communications using emerging trends and tutorials in marketing, social media, the web and email.


Inspiration for Faithful Living

2XMonth (Monday)
United Methodist Now is a twice-monthly e-newsletter for church members to highlight examples of Christian living, share inspirational messages and focus on what it means to be part of our connection.

UMComtigo newsletter logo.

Noticias y recursos en Español y Portugués

2x/Mes (Jueves)
Ofrece noticias y recursos en español y portugués para información, ideas e inspiración de clérigos y laicos para apoyar el ministerio en su iglesia local.

Newsletter supports Korean pastors and lay leaders.

Supporting Korean pastors & lay leaders

2x/Monthly (Friday)
연합감리교회 전반에 걸친 최신 뉴스와 목회 자료를 비 롯한 여러분 신앙에 지침이 될 이야기 그 이상을 발견하 실 수 있습니다.

United Methodist Communications is an agency of The United Methodist Church

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