Africa University Resources

Welcome to the Africa University Fund Resource kit.

The Connectional Giving team has created a digital Pew Card that can be downloaded and inserted in your outgoing newsletters and or printed (when the time is appropriate) to display in your congregation or at community events.

We also have assembled together some EVERGREEN resources you can use to help your congregation understand the importance of supporting the educational institution on the continent of Africa.

Did You Know that Africa University is the first and only fully-accredited intuition of higher learning established on the African continent by action of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church in 1988.

For over 25 years Africa University has shaped the lives of thousands of young people all over the continent of Africa by equipping them with the knowledge to alleviate poverty, build peace, stability and drive development. Most of the graduates return to their home country to make a difference.

Because of generous gifts to the Africa University Apportion Fund, Africa’s new generation of leaders is better prepared and equipped to prevent conflict and resolve conflict and build lasting peace on the continent.

This fund is managed through the office of Africa University Development office at the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.


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