Several United Methodists leaders attended COP27 in-person, and these webinars will provide an opportunity to learn about global efforts to reduce climate change and how these efforts affect United Methodists around the world. 

Reactions and learnings from COP27

Several United Methodists leaders attended COP27, and on Nov. 10 and 17, 2022 hosted discussions live from Egypt. These webinars were a joint effort of these United Methodist agencies: Church and Society, Global Ministries, United Women in Faith, Wespath and United Methodist Communications.

During these broadcasts, these leaders shared their impressions and learned about the global efforts to reduce climate change, as well as how these efforts affect United Methodists around the world.

  • Learn more about the purpose of COP and eye-witness reflections on the conference from United Methodists in attendance
  • Hear about how United Methodist agencies and leaders are addressing climate change collectively in their own work
  • Get an in-depth, global perspective on the climate crisis and how world leaders and advocates are working toward just and equitable responses
  • See how climate justice connects to other ministries and efforts of The United Methodist Church in areas such as health care, global development, disaster relief, etc.

View the archived discussions below.

Webinar archives

Webinar 1 (11/10/22)

Learn about the purpose of COP27 and panelists’ hopes for outcomes related to agency priorities and their common commitment to just and equitable net-zero emissions.

Webinar 2 (11/17/22)

This webinar focuses on highlights of the negotiations to date as well as the work of, and implications for, United Methodists around the world.


Jake Barnett joined Wespath in January 2020. As the director of Sustainable Investment Stewardship (SIS) for Wespath and its subsidiaries’ investment programs, Jake leads Wespath’s shareholder advocacy and engagement efforts. Specifically, the SIS team focuses on engagement efforts that align with the values of The United Methodist Church and support the transition to a sustainable global economy. Photo courtesy of

Jake Barnett, Wespath

Jake joined Wespath in January 2020. As the director of Sustainable Investment Stewardship (SIS) for Wespath and its subsidiaries’ investment programs, Jake leads Wespath’s shareholder advocacy and engagement efforts. Specifically, the SIS team focuses on engagement efforts that align with the values of The United Methodist Church and support the transition to a sustainable global economy.

John Hill is the deputy general secretary at the Board of Church and Society where he oversees all programmatic efforts for the agency’s advocacy, organizing, education and engagement mission on Capitol Hill and across the world. Photo courtesy of John Hill.

John Hill, Church and Society

John is the deputy general secretary at the Board of Church and Society where he oversees all programmatic efforts for the agency’s advocacy, organizing, education and engagement mission on Capitol Hill and across the world. Since joining Church and Society in 2002, John has enjoyed engaging United Methodists to better align their daily living with their faith.

Rev. Jenny Phillips is Senior Technical Advisor for Environmental Sustainability at Global Ministries. She works within the agency to identify sustainability strategies, and supports annual conferences and local churches in their creation care ministries. She launched Global Ministries’ renewable energy and energy efficiency programs and has directed the Global Ministries EarthKeepers program since 2017. Photo courtesy of Jenny Phillips.

Rev. Jenny Phillips, Global Ministries

Jenny is Senior Technical Advisor for Environmental Sustainability at Global Ministries. She works within the agency to identify sustainability strategies, and supports annual conferences and local churches in their creation care ministries. She launched Global Ministries’ renewable energy and energy efficiency programs and has directed the Global Ministries EarthKeepers program since 2017.

Ilka Vega is the new Executive for Economic and Environmental Justice of United Women in Faith. She has been a member of the agency for over 12 years. She has also authored a number of transformative education resources, addressing social and environmental issues through a faith perspective. Since 2016, she has attended the UN climate change conferences. Photo courtesy of Ilka Vega.

Ilka Vega, United Women in Faith

lka Vega is the new Executive for Economic and Environmental Justice of United Women in Faith. She has been a member of the agency for over 12 years. She has also authored a number of transformative education resources, addressing social and environmental issues through a faith perspective. Since 2016, she has attended the UN climate change conferences.

Laura Kigweba James is the director of Grassroots Organizing at the General Board of Church and Society. In her position, she builds, strengthens and equips United Methodists to transform the systemic conditions of injustice in both the church, community and world through faith-based community organizing. “Part of my role is to facilitate and develop trainings that deepen the capacity and leadership for United Methodists to organize and respond to matters of social injustice in their communities,” Laura said.

Laura Kigweba James, moderator

Laura Kigweba James is the director of Grassroots Organizing at the General Board of Church and Society. In her position, she builds, strengthens and equips United Methodists to transform the systemic conditions of injustice in both the church, community and world through faith-based community organizing. “Part of my role is to facilitate and develop trainings that deepen the capacity and leadership for United Methodists to organize and respond to matters of social injustice in their communities,” Laura said.

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