Access a variety of video and trainings through the GCSRW YouTube channel.

This handbook, developed by GCSRW, contains suggested guidelines for church-owned clergy housing to assist local staff-parish relations committees and boards of Trustees.

A short workbook to identify areas of potential stress or support in a clergy person’s life. This powerful resources can help clergy and lay leaders identify new strategies for strengthening clergy leadership and churches.

These suggestions for the Pastor/Staff Parish Relations Committee and the congregation will help support their pastor’s health and well-being in all its dimensions physical, emotional, spiritual, social and financial—and thereby also support the mission and ministry of the congregation.

An Episcopalian resource for local congregations to discuss support of the clergy person during moves.

Helpful tips for the Lewis Center for Church Leadership on hospitality and support for incoming pastors. Visit the Lewis Center for Church Leadership website.

The Clergy Family Care task for compiled a list of the best practices and recommendations which arose from the gathered wisdom. The report and conclusions are useful to share with local district and conference leadership for guidance in improving the care of clergypersons and their families.

Wespath Benefits and Investments conducts a survey of the UMC active U.S. clergy to provide comparative data for clergy health research. This research is intended to help the denomination learn more about the health and well-being of its clergy.