Moving from relief to development, UMCOR works to alleviate suffering around the world by addressing the root causes of hunger, poverty, and poor health through awareness, advocacy, and action. We specialize in solutions that help people become self-reliant. Working through partners—including faith-based nonprofit organizations, nongovernmental organizations, and United Methodist-affiliated organizations—UMCOR provides grants and technical support to projects worldwide.
UMCOR’s sustainable development work focuses on food security and sustainable agriculture, livelihoods, renewable energy access, and the water, sanitation, and hygiene (WASH) program. UMCOR accompanies beneficiaries as they become thriving individuals, families, and communities.
UMCOR also works with partners to address the needs of migrants of all types, regardless of the cause of migration. All migrants should have the right to stay, the right to safe passage, the right to welcome, and, when safe, the right to return home.
UMCOR cares about the created world and works to train Earthkeepers, United Methodists committed to connecting their church through projects that care for God’s creation. UMCOR also works with partners to save and utilize energy wisely and sustainably.