March 24, 2024/Palm Sunday/Disability Awareness Sunday

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A Moment for Mission

“Jesus entered Jerusalem and went into the temple.” —Mark 11:11, CEB

The Book of Discipline (¶265) states “Disability Awareness Sunday shall be observed annually on a date to be determined by the annual conference. Disability Awareness Sunday calls the Church to celebrate the gifts and graces of persons with disabilities and calls the Church and society to full inclusion of persons with disabilities in the community.”

When we raise awareness about how to create broader access to the life of the church, we open a path of grace that celebrates the sacred worth of every child of God. We strengthen the body of Christ in our community with a spirit of radical welcome.

United Methodists observe Disability Awareness Sunday annually on a date determined by each annual conference. If the conference so directs, an offering may be received and the funds used by the conference to promote the creation of architectural and attitudinal accessibility in local churches. How are we preparing the “temple” for followers of Jesus to enter?

Children’s Message

Today is Palm Sunday. We remember how the people welcomed Jesus into the city by waving palm branches. They were excited about how he shared his love and that he would help them live better lives.

Just like the diverse branches on the palm trees, we are all unique and important in God’s eyes. Imagine being a part of a big parade, just like the one where people cheered for Jesus as he entered Jerusalem. Our church is like a parade too, full of different people, talents and abilities. Today, we celebrate our friends with unique gifts, just like the palms that waved on that special day.

Jesus loves each of us, no matter our abilities. Disability Awareness Sunday reminds us to be like Jesus by embracing and including everyone. So, let’s be extra kind, helpful and loving today. Happy Palm Sunday, and let’s share the love of Jesus with everyone we meet!

Holy One, we thank you for the gift of life in its vast arrays and complexities.
We thank you for the gift of friendship.
Jesus, we thank you that you modeled a life of service and compassion
To the people whom society often forgot or ignored.

Wise Spirit, we need your loving eyes
In order to care for those you have put in our midst.
We need greater grace in order to serve
And be in ministry with everyone.

We ask all of this, so that more people can become part of the great story
Of your love in action. This is why we pray “Thy Kingdom Come.” Amen.
(Adapted by Reverend Amanda Larsen)

Offertory Prayer: Discipleship Ministries

Almighty and everlasting God, as we bring our gifts and lay them at your altar, we remember the crowds in Jerusalem who laid their cloaks on the road, shouting “Hosanna!” as Jesus passed. We know they were looking for a Messiah who was different from who you sent Jesus to be —not one of political power and military might, but one who came in compassion and mercy to heal, love and save. Search our hearts that we might be confident that the Messiah for whom we long is the one you know we need—Jesus Christ, your anointed one, in whose name we pray. Amen. (Mark 11:1-11)

Newsletter Nugget

“Jesus entered Jerusalem and went into the temple.” —Mark 11:11, CEB

As United Methodists, we believe that the church is not complete until everyone, with and without disabilities, is able to attend, belong and participate fully. On this Palm Sunday, we remember that Jesus entered the city and went into the temple. How are we preparing the temple so that it is accessible for all who follow Jesus?

Disability Awareness Sunday helps change attitudes, priorities and practices. When we raise awareness about how to create broader access to the life of the church, we open a path of grace that celebrates the sacred worth of every child of God. We strengthen the body of Christ in our community with a spirit of radical welcome.

Across The United Methodist Church, Disability Awareness Sunday is observed annually on a date determined by each conference. To learn more about ways to engage with Disability Awareness Sunday visit:

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