Improving your church's web presence (screencast, part 2)

In part one of this three-part screencast, we learned how to define, target and organize the content of your website to address the ministry needs of your intended audience. In part two, Eric Seiberling outlines how to build a website, assessing options for

  • the platform or technology to use
  • an attractive, readable design or layout that compliments your content and the look/feel of your church branding
  • maintaining content through collaboration with people in your church


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These tasks are often the biggest challenges a church face when considering a new or updated website. Instead of being paralyzed by so many available options, follow along as Eric calmly and clearly breaks down the barriers in easy-to-follow steps and illustrations. He discusses the pros/cons of Wordpress, Wix, Weebly and SquareSpace as well as explains the importance of domain names and hosting. Eric connects the content map discussed in part one and how it relates to your website's menu or outline.

Remember: Up to 70% of people looking for a new church home begin their search online. These days, your website matters as much (if not more) than your church exterior. In these three screencast sessions, Eric will break down the approach in building, upgrading and getting your website discovered online. Dig into this session and the others to discover why websites don't have to be so hard.

Celebrate With Us
This year, United Methodist Communications marks 80 years of communicating faith. We invite you to help us celebrate!Using these tips, discover why a church website doesn't have to be hard to build and maintain. 

Watch the other sessions of this screencast:





Eric Seiberling

Eric Seiberling is part of a husband-wife duo working to help the church embody "1 > 99" at He leverages his 20+ years of marketing and consulting experience to help churches "baptize" and use secular techniques to be more effective at reaching the lost, the least and the last for Jesus Christ.


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