Green Thumbs

Crystal Caviness, Stacey Hagewood and Lilla Marigza recently spent time in Knoxville getting video and print stories for where they were each gifted a Zuccino Rampocante/Italian Trombone squash from the church garden at Concord UMC. The local church annually donates thousands of pounds of produce to the Society of St. Andrew, a United Methodist program which collects surplus produce to be distributed in food pantries and community feeding programs. (Photo provided by Lilla Marigza.)
Crystal Caviness, Stacey Hagewood and Lilla Marigza recently spent time in Knoxville getting video and print stories for where they were each gifted a Zuccino Rampocante/Italian Trombone squash from the church garden at Concord UMC. The local church annually donates thousands of pounds of produce to the Society of St. Andrew, a United Methodist program which collects surplus produce to be distributed in food pantries and community feeding programs. (Photo provided by Lilla Marigza.)
Laurens Glass goes crazy the moment she sees baskets of annuals. This year she landscaped with blue and ivory pots and loads of flowers. Containers of blooms lead up her driveway, around the porches and down the sides of the house. She notes that her back patio mandevillas are now over my head.  When asked what he loved most about her garden she said: "The best part was my older neighbors telling me how much they enjoyed seeing the flowers.. I hadn’t thought of that.. so that was nice." I think we can all agree that is very nice indeed. (Photos provided by Laurens Glass.)
Laurens Glass goes crazy the moment she sees baskets of annuals. This year she landscaped with blue and ivory pots and loads of flowers. Containers of blooms lead up her driveway, around the porches and down the sides of the house. She notes that her back patio mandevillas are now over my head. When asked what he loved most about her garden she said: "The best part was my older neighbors telling me how much they enjoyed seeing the flowers.. I hadn’t thought of that.. so that was nice." I think we can all agree that is very nice indeed. (Photos provided by Laurens Glass.)
Bright red lanterns welcome visitors to part of Diane Degnan’s garden path. Diane’s backyard got a makeover courtesy of a radio station giveaway. (Photo courtesy of Diane Degnan.)
Bright red lanterns welcome visitors to part of Diane Degnan’s garden path. Diane’s backyard got a makeover courtesy of a radio station giveaway. (Photo courtesy of Diane Degnan.)
Patty DelliBovi does not claim to have a green thumb. This summer she spent weeks caring for her tomato plants only to get a handful of below weight tomatoes, and a wound from her weed eater.  "I am terrible at plants but somehow a few survive so I keep trying. My family says when I visit the garden center at Home Depot that plants quiver in fear of me picking them to take home," notes Patty. I think we can all agree that she deserves and A for effort.  (Photo courtesy of Patty DelliBovi.)
Patty DelliBovi does not claim to have a green thumb. This summer she spent weeks caring for her tomato plants only to get a handful of below weight tomatoes, and a wound from her weed eater. "I am terrible at plants but somehow a few survive so I keep trying. My family says when I visit the garden center at Home Depot that plants quiver in fear of me picking them to take home," notes Patty. I think we can all agree that she deserves and A for effort. (Photo courtesy of Patty DelliBovi.)
Pam Buck's garden is bursting with kale, green beans, carrots, three varieties of lettuce and green peppers. She had so much kale that some lucky people at the agency picnic got to enjoy these veggies. Pam shares that “This was my first gardening adventure and I know my Dad would be so proud!” (Photo courtesy of Pam Buck.)
Pam Buck's garden is bursting with kale, green beans, carrots, three varieties of lettuce and green peppers. She had so much kale that some lucky people at the agency picnic got to enjoy these veggies. Pam shares that “This was my first gardening adventure and I know my Dad would be so proud!” (Photo courtesy of Pam Buck.)

When Crystal CavinessStacey Hagewood and Lilla Marigza got back from a story-fielding trip to Knoxville with a fun co-worker photo of them showing off squash, it got us thinking . . . What United Methodist Communications team members have a green thumb? Check out this slideshow to find out who has been gardening and to see the fruits of their labor.

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