Email Title: Special Sunday Communication 01 | World Communion Sunday 2021
Preview Text: The 2021 World Communion Sunday pastor and leader kit is ready for you to download.
Scripture: “For the bread of God is he who comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.” —John 6:33, ESV
Subject/Header of Body: World Communion Sunday is October 3, 2021!
A core value of United Methodism is for members to support their own. While UMs support public efforts to change the world, they are equally committed to supporting members of the church. Annually on World Communion Sunday, United Methodists receive an offering to support ethnic and racial persons who are pursuing many avenues of ministry.
One of six Special Sundays with offering, 50 percent of the offering supports the Ethnic Scholarship Program and the Ethnic In-Service Training Program through the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry and the other 50 percent supports the World Communion Scholarship Leadership Development Program administered by the General Board of Global Ministries.
World Communion Sunday is October 3, 2021. Mark your calendars and begin your plans to celebrate this Special Sunday. You might consider asking your church council or equivalent, worship, missions, religion and race, education, and campus ministry leaders to plan and or lead the service. We have also created resources to support your efforts. Please access the resources here and customize the resources to meet your church’s needs.
Announce the World Communion Sunday celebration date as soon as possible. Use or customize the church announcement below to promote the worship service
Announcement copy
“On October 3, 2021, we will celebrate World Communion Sunday. Please mark your calendars to celebrate this Special Sunday. We look forward to this celebration each year when we participate in holy communion together and share our gifts to support racial-ethnic students and trainees in their quest to become leaders who embody the mission of The United Methodist Church. Your gifts provide scholarships for ethnic students and trainees from the U.S. and around the world. Thank you.”
Thank you!
Connectional Giving Team