Members of the 2024-2028 Judicial Council, from left, are: Front row, The Rev. Jonathan Ulanday, the Rev. Susan Henry-Crowe, the Rev.  Angela Brown and Molly Hiekani Mwayera and back row, Bill Waddell, Andrew Vorbrich, the Rev. Øyvind Helliesen, the Rev. Luan-Vu Tran and Harriett Jane Olson. UM News Photo by Linda Bloom

Meet the members of the top court

General Conference held elections May 1 for all nine spots on the Judicial Council, The United Methodist Church’s top court.

Half of those approved were elected to eight-year terms, while the rest were elected to four-year terms, parameters set by General Conference on April 30.

Only two current Judicial Council members were re-elected, but two others have previously served on the court.

Learn more about the elections


Rev. Dr. Susan Henry-Crowe, President
Southeastern Jurisdiction

Rev. Øyvind Helliesen, Vice-President
Northern Europe Central Conference (Norway)

Rev. Angela Brown, JD, Secretary
Western Jurisdiction

Harriett Jane Olson, JD
Northeastern Jurisdiction

Rev. Jonathan R. Ulanday
Philippines Central Conference

Hlekani Molly Mwayera, LLB
Africa Central Conference (Zimbabwe)

Bill Waddell, JD
South Central Jurisdiction

Rev. Luan-Vu Tran, JD
Western Jurisdiction

Andrew Vorbrich, JD
North Central Jurisdiction


Erin Hawkins (First lay alternate)
Western Jurisdiction

Rev. Tim Bruster (First clergy alternate)
South Central Jurisdiction


Sally Curtis Askew, Clerk

LaNella Smith, Asst. Secretary

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