Get involved

#BeUMC tips and tools

Get your conference or church involved in three simple steps: Explain, Encourage, Expand!

Explore these ideas and practical suggestions for launching the #BeUMC campaign in your community. Let's work together to share our stories and celebrate our shared identity.

Bring the #BeUMC campaign to your conference or church in three simple steps:

1. Explain the campaign

Lean on the campaign’s toolkit and four key messaging themes to summarize the campaign and why you’re asking your conference or congregation to participate in it. Something as simple as this statement will pique the interest of your audience: “We’re showing the world how we are living our faith, why we choose to #BeUMC and what hopes we have for the future of our church. Every United Methodist is being asked to participate – will you join us? Learn more at” 

2. Encourage participation

Social media is the perfect tool for connecting with your audience since use of the campaign hashtag, #BeUMC, is the primary way people can participate in the campaign. However, relying solely on social media might not be enough. Share information about the campaign in e-newsletters, blog posts, videos and other communications, as well as during announcements, worship services and gatherings.

Every time you share campaign information, ask people to use #BeUMC in social media posts about why they are United Methodist and what makes them optimistic about the future of their congregation’s ministry and mission.

3. Amplify and expand

After you’ve launched the campaign, it’s vital that you keep it going. Consider featuring a different key messaging theme each quarter of the year and a different core value each month, for example, as a way to continue asking people to participate. Use the hashtag frequently in your personal, church and conference social media posts to remind others that they should be using it also. People can use the hashtag as many times as they’d like — hopefully they’ll begin to include #BeUMC every time they post something that’s related to their faith.

See #BeUMC themes

Explore recent #BeUMC social media posts

Show your commitment to The United Methodist Church by adding the #BeUMC hashtag your social media posts!

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