Welcome to the 2020 United Methodist Student Day Pastor and Leader’s Kit. We have assembled a collection of resources that you can download to promote this Special Sunday in your church on Sunday, November 29, 2020. This kit has everything you need to empower your congregation to give generously. You can post some of these resources on all your social media outlets. We also have a downloadable poster and a bulletin insert you can print out and insert in your church bulletin the week prior to this special Sunday.
Thank You...!
for your generousity in 2019. You gave $370,123 towards the ministries funded by the United Methodist Student Day Sunday offering. This offering help provide for over 70 scholarships available for United Methodist students to further their education and enrich the life of the Church. The fund is administered by the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.
Remember you can celebrate this Sunday and any Special Sunday on a day of your choosing.
To give ONLINE click here.
Click here to order your United Methodist Student Day Sunday printed envelopes.
Table of Contents
Worship Resources
Children's Resources
UMSD Children Bulletin version 1 |
UMSD Children Bulletin version 2 |
UMSD Children Activity Resource |
UMSD Children Message |
2020 SS Planning Calendar and
Friends and Family Participation Guide
2020 SS Planning Calendar |
2019 SS Friends and Family Participation Guide |
Audio Devotional Podcasts
Resource Guides
Resource Guide |
Youth Resource Guide |
Reading List |
10 Ways to Promote UMSD |
Infographic Playlist |
UMSD Newsletter Articles copyNewsletter Aritcles Copy |
Mobile Wallpapers
2 Timothy 3:16 NSRV Sizes: 720x1280 750x1334 1080x1920 1440x2560 1440x2960 |
Isaiah 40:30 NRSV Sizes: 720x1280 750x1334 1080x1920 1440x2560 1440x2560 |
James 1:5 NRSV Sizes: 720x1280 750x1334 1080x1920 1440x2560 1440x2960 |
Mark 9:36-37 NRSV Sizes: 720x1280 750x1334 1080x1920 1440x2560 1440x2960 |
Philippians 1:6 NRSV Sizes: 720x1280 750x1334 1080x1920 1440x2560 1440x2960 |
Philippians 4:4 NRSV Sizes: 720x1280 750x1334 1080x1920 1440x2560 1440x2960 |
Proverbs 19:20 NRSV Sizes: 720x1280 750x1334 1080x1920 1440x2560 1440x2960 |
John Wesley #1 Sizes: 720x1280 750x1334 1080x1920 1440x2560 1440x2960 |
Malala Yousafzat Sizes: 720x1280 750x1334 1080x1920 1440x2560 1440x2960 |
John Wesley #2 Sizes: 720x1280 750x1334 1080x1920 1440x2560 1440x2960 |
Martin Luther King, Jr. Sizes: 720x1280 750x1334 1080x1920 1440x2560 1440x2960 |
Suzanna Wesley Sizes: 720x1280 750x1334 1080x1920 1440x2560 1440x2960 |
Social Media Resources in English, Korean and Spanish
English version
Korean Social Media Resources
Spanish Social Media Resources
English Social Media Resources continued
UMSD DId You Know Video (1:36 sec) |
UMSD Gifts Support Students Like Zach Video (3:29 sec) |
A Moment in Mission (1:55 sec) Download video |
Explainer Video (1:35 sec) Download video |
The College Student and the Crushing Burden of Student Debt (1:26 sec) Download video |
Examples of Faith (3:03 sec) |