The nuts and bolts of a press release

The nuts and bolts of a press release
The nuts and bolts of a press release

Once you’ve thought through the newsworthiness of your message and know your audience, it’s time to start crafting your press release.

Though you can find many templates online, it’s important to understand the key elements of a press release to start filling in your document.

The basic template sections include:

Top of release

  • Topper - Include your church logo, church name and the distribution date
  • Headline - Think of the eye-catching statements in newspapers or online that make you read and click through to a story.  You want the same type of interest-invoking headline for your release. Write a brief headline that is clear, concise and conveys why your story is interesting and important.
  • Subheading - You can also include a subheading to highlight additional information immediately under the headline, but this is optional.
  • Dateline – Start the body of your press release by noting your city and state, followed by a hyphen. This notation lets the media know the place of origin of the news.
  • Intro paragraph - Your first paragraph will follow immediately after the dateline’s dash. Ensure this paragraph contains your main message, including your angle or hook, and share the five W’s: Who, What, Where, When and Why.

For example, in the case of event promotions, this paragraph should include your local church as the host, what the event is, the purpose, time, cost, location and who benefits.

Realize that a reporter may only read this paragraph in life’s busyness, so make it count. Unlike a box of Cracker Jack, readers may not dig to the bottom to find the prize. Press releases need to build excitement for readers. Grab their attention so that they’ll want to learn more. You must understand that you are one of many releases a reporter receives that week, so you must stand out for all the right reasons.

Body paragraphs

You’ll follow that initial paragraph with two to five brief body paragraphs sharing your story. Be mindful to present the information in the order according to its level of importance.

Consider including a quote or two from your pastor and/or event organizer in this section. If possible, a testimonial from an attendee or the person impacted by your church’s ministry will enhance your message. Quotes offer a personal voice to your press release. Based on length and/or preference, the quotes can serve as stand-alone paragraphs or be in the mix of another paragraph. Keep quotes simple and include the person’s name, title and, if applicable, organization so that people can recognize their authority and know why they’re speaking on behalf of your story.

When using quotes, if time allows, send your final draft for a courtesy review to those quoted. This draft email will enable them to see their quote(s) as used within the context of the entire release before it goes to the public.

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Closing content

·       Last content paragraph - Your final paragraph is typically shorter and should include a call to action. Ask the reader to visit a website or point them to where to buy event tickets or sign up to volunteer.

·       Boilerplate – End your release text with a brief paragraph about your church.

·       Hash marks - Finish your content with three hash marks (###) to let reporters know that this is the end of your press release. (Depending on preference, your boilerplate can fall above or below the hash marks.)

·       Media contact: Include the name and contact information of the person or office that reporters should go to for additional information or to schedule an interview.

Now, you have the basic framework for a press release.

Before you get started on writing, there are some last tips to keep in mind:

Helpful guidelines

  • Keep the content to one page and around 400 words in length
  • Review the content to ensure you’ve addressed all five W’s: Who, What, Where, When and Why. If not, edit the wording until it does
  • Check spelling and grammar
  • Get a proofreader to review the release
  • Seek final approval from any necessary stakeholders before finalizing your document

Once you’ve finished writing your press release, secured the necessary approvals, and have your list and posting plan in place, your press release will be ready to be sent.

A well-constructed press release can help get your local church’s news out to the public with the information you want shared. Proactively crafting a release that meets the needs of media contacts and the public provides a more straightforward pathway to success for your call to action.


Brenda Smotherman

Brenda Smotherman is the lead of public relations at United Methodist Communications and assists in sharing stories of United Methodists putting faith into action and provides publicity support for matters surrounding The United Methodist Church denomination. She has a combined history of 30+ years of experience in marketing and publicity. Smotherman lives in Tennessee with her husband and two rescue dogs.

United Methodist Communications is an agency of The United Methodist Church

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