Mission Moment
"Those who find their life will lose it, and those who lose their life for my sake will find it." — Matthew 10:39, NRSV
At a moment when it seems that people cannot agree on what is best for our nation and for our world, when we cannot even seem to agree to disagree and we seem to be divided on every issue brought before us, The United Methodist Church is holding onto unity as an ideal.
Not only is there work being done within the church to maintain unity, but The United Methodist Church also is connected outside of the church in cooperation with churches and church organizations of other denominations. This connection is such a priority that the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund is one of our seven apportionments.
The Interdenominational Cooperation Fund supports work that aims at unity in the body of Christ. When we are able to find our common ground in the mission of the church, much kingdom work can be accomplished. And there is much work to be done, including joining together against racism, human trafficking and the harmful effects of poverty worldwide. Working together and sharing our resources means that we can extend our reach, moving us all toward our common goal of sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ and making disciples.
Our generous giving toward the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund shines light into dark moments of division, demonstrating instead the power of the God at work when the saints are able to work together.
Offertory Prayer
God of Grace and Love, grant within us a Spirit of Unity, help us to lay aside those things we cling to other than you. Grant within us a spirit of cooperation and generosity so that together your church can carry the Good News to the world. Amen.
From Discipleship Resources: Third Sunday After Pentecost – Generous God, you are the source of abundant life. You reveal a great mystery: those who lose their life for the sake of your Son will find it. When we are aware of loss, send your Holy Spirit to help us trust in your steadfast love. You are transforming our lives and this world as surely as you have transformed the cross by Christ's resurrection. Let our gifts bring vitality to the healing ministries of this community of faith. We ask this in the name of our risen Lord Jesus. Amen. (Matthew 10:24-39)
Newsletter Nugget
The United Methodist Church is committed to working together with churches and organizations of other denominations that we might find the life of God together as we seek to carry out the work of the Gospel.
We can accomplish much as The United Methodist Church, however, we can accomplish much more by working with others who share our passion for sharing the love of Christ with the world. We do this through our apportionment giving to the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund.
The United Methodist Church is connected to several ecumenical ministries supported by the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund, including the National Council of the Churches of Christ in the USA, the Pan-Methodist Commission, the World Council of Churches, the Churches Uniting in Christ, and the World Methodist Council.
Some of the work that has been accomplished by working together is an ecumenical AIDS initiative in Africa, hurricane recovery efforts, and work against substance abuse and violence. Our gifts to the Interdenominational Cooperation Fund ensure that this work continues.