JUNE 16 – Trinity Sunday/Peace with Justice Sunday (TODAY)

A Moment for Mission

When I look at your heavens, the work of your fingers, the moon and the stars that you have established; what are human beings that you are mindful of them, mortals that you care for them? —Psalm 8:3-4, NRSV

In New Orleans, like many of its big-city contemporaries, homelessness is a major issue. The Amanzi Women's Ministry, an outreach effort of People's United Methodist Church, is making a difference. Thanks to a United Methodist Peace with Justice grant, Amanzi is going strong.

"This ministry," said the Rev. Jan Holloway Carwick, "provides very practical assistance to low-income single mothers and homeless women by giving … a place to do laundry free of charge in a safe atmosphere with a great area for children to play. But more than that, it provides an opportunity for the church members to have conversations with women that they would not be able to have otherwise. In these conversations, members of the church find out about the other needs of the women and help to connect [them] with resources to meet these needs." Carwick is superintendent of the New Orleans District, Louisiana Annual Conference.

Today is Peace with Justice Sunday, one of six churchwide Special Sundays in The United Methodist Church. Your generous gift supports Peace with Justice ministries in your annual conference, administered by your conference Peace with Justice coordinator, and Peace with Justice work in the United States and around the world, administered by the General Board of Church and Society.

Amanzi Women's Ministry, Carwick continued, "is a very caring atmosphere with food and companionship abounding. And, through all of this, the love of Jesus Christ is shared." Thank you!

Offertory Prayer
Loving God, you are mindful of each of us. You care for each of your children. May we reach out in love and understanding to our sisters and brothers. In your name, we pray. Amen.

From Discipleship Ministries: Trinity Sunday — Mighty God, who is both one and three, we praise you as God above us, God beside us, and God within us. We bring our gifts to you in worship and gratitude as our Creator and Provider of all good things. We bring our gifts to you as Sustainer, Spirit within us, giving us power to make an impact on the lives of your children, wherever they may be. We bring our gifts to you as our Redeemer, who saved our lives from our shortcomings and failures, so we might be brought into the presence of your boundless love, convinced that we have, in turn, been called to help others find that grace-filled love. Bless these gifts we give and bless the transformational impact they might have. In your holy name, we pray. Amen. (Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31)

Newsletter Nugget
In Gwinnett County, in North Central Georgia, only 39 percent of English learners graduate from high school. Corners Academy works year-round to raise that number. Mount Pisgah United Methodist Church, Johns Creek, Georgia, recently received a Peace with Justice grant to assist Corners Academy in its ministry.

With school vacation in full swing, Corners Academy's focus is on "summer slide," a time when children often lose unused reading and math skills. For many of the families with whom the academy works, summer can also mean two months of not speaking English. Corners is hosting four summer camps. At camp, students speak and practice English daily, read aloud and play math games. They earn lunch daily through attendance, positive behavior and participation. Volunteers from churches, youth groups and local businesses introduce students to new faces and perspectives.

One way to celebrate Peace with Justice Sunday is to give generously so that vital ministries like Corners Academy can flourish. Thank you!

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