General Conference 2004: Audio Stories

May 7

Bishop Invites Dreaming, Working Together
On the last day of their gathering, Bishop Rhymes H. Moncure, Jr. urged delegates to The United Methodist General Conference to be active, to work together. The Nebraska bishop celebrated the uniqueness of each person. Art McClanahan reports the story compiled by Kathryn Witte, Nebraska Director of Communications.


History of Separation ;"Rumor" Revealed to Conference
Delegates to the General Conference heard how an informal suggestion for "an amicable separation" was mistakenly interpreted in reports. Art McClanahan reports.


Resolution of Church Unity Approved
Delegates of the General Conference of The United Methodist Church sent a clear message of unity when they passed a resolution to stay in covenant despite disagreements. Art McClanahan reports.


Denomination Welcomes Cote d’Ivoire Church
The million member Protest Methodist Church of Cote d’Ivoire is now a full participant with the United Methodist denomination. Art McClanahan reports.


May 6

Bishop Sees Church as Redemptive Community
Bishop Joe Pennel says debate within the church is not a win or lose situation. He feels what's important is whether the church grows in justice and love. The story is reported by Art McClanahan


Bishops Respond to Call for Amicable Separation
Five United Methodist bishops responded to the call for an “amicable separation” put forth on Thursday morning by retired pastor Bill Hinson.  They disagreed with the proposal, saying that the church is not whole without all its parts.  Art McClanahan reports the story.


May 5

Bishop Calls Conference to New Thinking
Bishop Beverly Shamana addressed the General Conference today, reminding listeners that the spirit of God can change your best laid plans.  Art McClanahan reports.


Hispanic Report
El alto cuerpo legislativo de la Iglesia Metodista Unida, en su conferencia general de 2004 en Pittsburgh, considera cuestiones que la comunidad Hispana en los Estados Unidos confronta.


Delegates Express Mixed Opinions on Decisions
Delegates had a range of responses to the decisions of The United Methodist Church’s General Conference regarding homosexuality.  Art McClanahan reports.


Church Adopts New List of Clergy Violations
The General Conference of The United Methodist Church has adopted a revised list of  violations for its clergy. Art McClanahan reports the story.


Cinco de Mayo (In Spanish)
The Rev. Sam Martinez talks about the faith experience that’s part of Cinco de Mayo celebrations.


"Ask Me" People Extend Hospitality
A number of volunteers are wearing "Ask Me" vests at the Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh.  They are extending hospitality to the hundreds of delegates and guests at the 2004 General Conference.  Art McClanahan reports.


May 4

Fox Believes Revisions Present Clear Statement
According to Eddie Fox, The United Methodist Church  does not agree on all matters about homosexuality but today's decision by the Judicial Council gives a clear sentence about the church's stance.


Judicial Council Refuses to Review Trial Decision
The Judicial Council of The United Methodist Church declined to review the decision of a Washington trial court that acquitted a United Methodist pastor. Art McClanahan files the report.


Council President Says Decision is Unifying
Bishop Peter Weaver described the General Conference discussion of homosexuality as a fine expression of Christian conferencing and noted that is clarified the position of the church.. Art McClanahan presents the report.


Baptism Reminders Part of Daily Experience
As delegates enter the Lawrence Convention Center in Pittsburgh for the General Conference of the United Methodist Church they’re invited to "remember your baptism and be thankful."  Art McClanahan reports.


Bishop Morrison Lauds Witness
Bishop Susan Morrison, of the Albany (NY) area of The United Methodist Church praised the “Prayer Witness for the Full Inclusively of Our Church” as "the church at its finest."  Art McClanahan reports.


March Intended to Surround Conference in Prayer
 Leaders of the “Prayer Witness for the Full Inclusively of Our Church”  hope to  surround the General Conference in prayer, and put a face on the issue by showing the diverse group participating.  Art McClanahan reports.


Non-violent Instruction Given to Rally Participants
Rev. Tiffany Steinwert asked those  gathered for the “Prayer Witness for the Full Inclusively of Our Church”  to practice non-violence of the tongue, and the heart and the soul and the spirit. Art McClanahan reports.


May 3

Bishop Urges Unity Through Love
Bishop Richard Wilke encouraged United Methodists to deal with each other on an individual basis, and "put on love."


Conference Celebrates Africa University
Leaders and graduates of Africa University addressed the General Conference to express appreciation for support and request continued funding to help the university in its mission to transform the continent.


Area Bishop Celebrates Church First
The United Methodist Church celebrated a milestone when Pittsburgh area Bishop, Hae-Jong Kim, spoke to the international assembly. Art McClanahan reports.


May 2

Bishop Calls for Church Unity
Retired United Methodist Bishop George Bashore calls the church to come “together in unity.” Art McClanahan reports.


May 1

Judicial Council Makes Declaration
In a majority decision, the Judicial Council of The United Methodist Church declared that “the practice of homosexuality” is a “chargeable offense” for its clergy.  Following the announcement Maxie Dunnam, President of Asbury Seminary, asked the Judicial Council to rule on a related matter.  Art McClanahan reports.


April 30

United Methodists Offer Service of Appreciation
Gathered in Pittsburgh for their General Conference, United Methodists offered a “Service of Remembrance” for African Americans who “remained and led the way.” Art McClanahan reports.


April 29

Council of Bishops Leadership Passes to Weaver
Bishop Peter Weaver, leader of the Philadelphia area of The United Methodist Church, was installed as president of the Council of Bishops during an April 29 ceremony. Art McClanahan reports.


Global Mission Leaders Call for Sudan Peacekeepers 
Chief mission executive for The United Methodist Church, the Rev. R. Randy Day, issued a call for international peacekeepers to intervene in the growing crisis in the Sudan. Art McClanahan reports.


African Bishop Reminds Church of Joys and Responsibilities 
Bishop Knulu Ntanda Ntambo reminded delegates to the General Conference of The United Methodist Church that each person is entitled to experience the joys and exercise the responsibilities of life. Art McClanahan reports.


Financial State of the Church
Sandra Kelley Lackore, General Secretary of the General Council on Finance and Administration, described the state of the church's finances to the General Conference.


April 28

Laity Address Calls for Innovative Partnerships
Speaking for laity of The United Methodist Church, Gloria Holt invited members of the denomination's congregations to join in innovative, faithful partnerships. Art McClanahan reports.


Episcopal Address Addresses Nature of Church
In their Episcopal Address to the General Conference, the bishops of the United Methodist Church included several strong statements about the inclusive nature of the denomination. Art McClanahan reports.


April 27

Bishop Press Conference Calls for Change
During a press conference bishops of the church protested the racism behind slowly-granted or denied visas for international delegates.  Art McClanahan reports the story.


Bishop Minor Set Tone
United Methodist bishop’s sermon invites General Conference delegates to set aside preconceptions, reveals appreciation for the church, and urges representatives to be good witnesses for the denomination. The reporter is Art McClanahan.


Bishops Issue Pastoral Letter 
On the eve of the General Conference, the Council of Bishops sent a letter to the denomination, focusing on immigration policies and church unity. Art McClanahan reporting.


General Conference Begins
The General Conference of The United Methodist Church begins in Pittsburgh on April 27. Art McClanahan reporting.


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