WCS Communications #1

Email Subject: World Communion Sunday Is Five Weeks Away

Scripture: Great and amazing are your deeds, Lord God the Almighty! Just and true are your ways, King of the nations!” —Revelation 15:3b, ESV

Pretext: World Communion is Sunday, October 2, 2022.

Dear Church Leader,

We never know the full measure of how God will use us to change people’s lives. Take Martha Fatoma as an example. Fatoma desired to improve healthcare in her native country of Sierra Leone but she knew that she needed more training. Thanks to your gifts to World Communion Sunday, she received a leadership scholarship to pursue a a bachelor of science degree in nursing at Africa University. After graduation in 2021, she returned to Sierra Leone to continue her profession at Kissy Hospital.

“My studies,” said Fatoma, “have allowed me to approach my work differently and to pass on new perspectives to my colleagues and coworkers. I learned a good deal about professional standards for hospital management and patient care. I have helped to raise the standards among the nurses at Kissy Hospital. They are now consistently punctual on duty, rendering quality care to our patients in all the departments.”

World Communion Sunday is five weeks away—October 2, 2022—but we encourage you to celebrate on a date that is most convenient for your congregation. Set your plans in motion to celebrate World Communion Sunday. Use the World Communion Sunday resources outlined below to strengthen your celebration.

  • Secure the World Communion Sunday Pastor and Leader’s Kit and social media graphics, videos, offering talk, bulletin inserts and other resources.
  • Use the 2022 Special Sundays planning calendar located in your Pastor and Leader’s Kit to implement your promotion schedule (see pages 17-20). Feel free to adjust the planning calendar schedule to fit your congregation’s schedule.
  • Pastor and Leader’s Kit resources are available in French, Spanish and Korean: sermon starter, bulletin insert, offering talk, liturgy, poster and social media graphics.
  • Select the person(s) to lead the celebration:
    • Include church council or equivalent, worship, missions, religion and race, higher education, and campus ministry persons to lead or assist with this ministry.
  • Announce the celebration date to your congregation. Customize or use the information below to inform your congregation about the World Communion Sunday celebration. Publish this information on your social media channels, websites, newsletters, etc. to your members.

Announcement copy

“On October 2 we will celebrate World Communion Sunday. Mark your calendar as we celebrate Holy Communion together and honor Jesus’ instructions to remember him. During our worship time, we plan to receive an offering to support scholarships for ethnic students. Please participate and give a generous offering to World Communion Sunday scholarship program.

After completing a bachelor’s degree in nursing studies, Martha Fatoma returned to her home country of Sierra Leone where she works at the United Methodist Kissy Hospital. ‘My studies,’ said Fatoma, ‘have allowed me to approach my work differently and to pass on new perspectives to colleagues and coworkers. I learned a good deal about professional standards for hospital management and patient care. I have helped to raise the standards among the nurses at Kissy Hospital. They are now consistently punctual on duty, rendering quality care to our patients in all the departments.’

Thank you for your generous gifts to World Communion Sunday offering. Gifts to World Communion Sunday provide scholarships for students like Martha Fatoma.


Gifts to w\World Communion Sunday continue a legacy of educating national and international United Methodist students who will change their communities.

Thank you for your generous giving,


The Connectional Giving Team

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