We are the People of God

The #BeUMC campaign reminds us of who we are at our best. As people of God called The United Methodist Church, we’re faithful followers of Jesus seeking to make the world a better place.

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#BeUMC Leader Toolkit: Getting started

Get involved in the #BeUMC campaign by sharing your commitment to The United Methodist Church on social media using the hashtag #BeUMC.

Help church members tell their neighbors why they are proud to #BeUMC.

Get started
Examples of BeUMC social graphics for churches to download and use on their social channels.

Inspire others with sermon starters, graphics, devotions, and more.

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Members of United Methodist Church Westlake Village, Westlake Village, California pose in front of their #BeUMC sign. They received a grant from United Methodist Communications for the banner.

See how others are using the campaign and learn how to use social media to tell your story.

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Committed to the Future: Reclaim. Revive. Renew. 

Hand holding a crystal globe with sunset in background. Image by krblokhin, iStockPhoto.com. Image courtesy of the Connectional Table.

Each United Methodist is vital to the future of the denomination. Together, we can reclaim our identity, revive our passion for making disciples of Jesus Christ, and renew our commitment to mission and ministry.

Explore inspiring messages, hope-filled stories of rebirth and empowering resources that will help your congregation thrive.

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The United Methodist Church is founded on a Wesleyan theology of grace, anchored in Scripture, and based in the life and teachings of Jesus Christ and the continuing movement of the Holy Spirit.

#BeUMC honors the core values that connect the people of The United Methodist Church. No matter the challenges we face, God is with us, and we continue to have opportunities to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world!

The campaign calls us to embrace our Wesleyan heritage and envision a promising future. Every day offers a chance to live into our mission and to strive to #BeUMC — to be the church our communities so desperately need.

This grassroots effort, built upon powerful stories of congregations and people living their faith, celebrates what draws us to The United Methodist Church and what we aspire to be.

#BeUMC Leader Toolkit components

  1. Messaging — Four key themes are intended to highlight what unites us as United Methodists and what we are working towards, together.
  2. Resources — Amplify the campaign in your conference and local church via downloadable resources for worship, small groups, communications and more.
  3. #BeUMC — Every church member, local church and conference is encouraged to be a part of the campaign by including the #BeUMC hashtag in social media posts.

Explore #BeUMC messaging

Learn more about the campaign's foundation, the four key messaging themes and the related core values, all of which offer messaging and graphics you can use in your communications.

The Rev. Erica Allen in ministry with Project Transformation at Kirpatrick Elementary in Nashville, Tenn. Photo by Kathleen Barry, United Methodist Communications

Disciple Making

First and foremost, we are dedicated to the mission of making disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world in the tradition of John Wesley.

We live out this key theme through these core values: Deeply rooted, Disciple-making and Faithful.

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(From left) Regina Henderson, Bishop John Schol, George Howard and Elizabeth Lee commission Kathleen Pryor. Pryor is one of 29 young adult missionaries commissioned and sent into service by the United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries at the Interchurch Center Chapel in New York on Aug. 12, 2013. A GBGM photo by Cassandra Zampini.

Belonging & Inclusion

All belong and will be loved in The UMC. All will be heard, respected and engaged. All will be free to develop their personal relationship with God and to serve fully in the ministry of Jesus Christ.

We live out this key theme through these core values: Diverse, Justice-seeking, Resilient and Welcoming.

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Kaci Underwood works to fasten down a tarp over a tornado-damaged roof in advance of a brewing storm in Moore, Okla. Underwood was part of a volunteer team working out of First United Methodist Church in Moore. Photo by Mike DuBose, UMNS.

Influence, Connection, Impact

With more than 12 million members across the globe, we are a powerful connection, living and sharing the grace of Jesus Christ through the power of the Holy Spirit. We are committed to work for global health, education, creation care, child welfare, disaster recovery and countless other efforts.

We live out this key theme through these core values: Connected, Generous and World-changing.

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Young people sing during the Next Generation Forum in Monrovia, Liberia. The April 22 event focused on the future of young people in the church. Photo by E Julu Swen, UM News.

Experience of God through The UMC

We embrace a Church where we experience our triune God in personal and community relationships, transforming our own lives, the lives around us, and the entire world.

We live out this key theme through these core values: Grace-filled and Praying.

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Show your commitment to #BeUMC with these products (T-shirt, sticker or magnet).  

Order promotional items

Get #BeUMC shirts, magnets and stickers for giveaways, gifts or personal use.


Council of Bishops logo, rectangular (1935x1290) 

Hear from our bishops

Listen to the vision for the continuing and future United Methodist Church from the Council of Bishops..

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Review research

Discover the ongoing, long-term research findings that led to the development of this campaign.

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