Learn more about why The UMC needs Paragraph 4, Article IV, an amendment to The United Methodist Constitution, that adds the words "gender" and "ability" to membership categories that cannot be used to exclude membership in The UMC.
At the Postponed 2020 General Conference, the legislative gathering voted to add the words "gender" and "ability" to Paragraph 4, Article IV of The United Methodist Church's Constitution. Now what? This historic vote now needs to be ratified by all the annual conferences across the worldwide connection. A 2/3 majority vote is required by counting the votes from every voting member.
GCSRW is hosting webinars for United Methodists across the world to better understand why ratifying the United Methodist Constitution to amend Paragraph 4, Article IV to include the words "gender" and "ability" protects membership for all people.
When it comes time to vote at your annual conference, vote "yes,"on Ballot #2 to make sure nobody is excluded from membership in The United Methodist Church for any reason.
Learn more about why The UMC needs Paragraph 4, Article IV, an amendment to The United Methodist Constitution, that adds the words "gender" and "ability" to membership categories that cannot be used to exclude membership in The UMC.