AC COSROWS: Advocacy

  • Host a listening session to hear women’s stories, experiences and concerns
  • Meet with conference and district leaders to ask how to support women
  • Review and encourage updating of conference and district policies on boundaries, Safe Sanctuary, and sexual ethics.
  • Host listening sessions then report back to your bishop and cabinet. These might be with clergy candidates and their experience at the Board of Ordained Ministry, lay women, particularly women of color, attending Annual Conference
  • Submit a resolution to your Annual Conference advocating for more equality in compensation for all clergy.
  • Set up a coaching or mentoring program for clergywomen
  • Recommend women leaders to conference
  • Encourage Annual Conference Session planning committee to recommend places to incorporate qualified women
  • Provide names of qualified women for the nominations committee
  • Have women share stories of progress made and celebrate those stories
  • Create new pathways to leadership
  • Recruit women to fill nontraditional roles in the church and annual conference
  • Submit a resolution to your Annual Conference advocating for more equality in compensation for all clergy. 

If you would like to connect with COSROW leaders in your Annual Conference; learn more about planning actions; start a COSROW in your conference, church, or district; or seek information about the General Commission, email GCSRW at [email protected].

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