#YesAllWomen: Some resources for considering the massacre in California

We struggle to understand the massacre in California last week even though the young gunman left us what he considered an explanation – a videotaped screed and a rage-filled manifesto  proclaiming his hatred of women and  his warped perspective on masculinity. We pray for the families of all the victims and for all those who struggle with gender or self-identity issues.

As Christians, we believe that men and women are made in the image of God, and this grants us a particular responsibility to treat one another with respect, regardless of gender, race, ability, class, etc.  This is a challenging theology in a world struggling with violence and unrest, for we can see no person as unredeemable, being called to pray even for our “enemies.”

In llight of this challenge, I offer you a few good articles resources to inspire conversations and guide our reflection upon our call to make disciples of Jesus Christ for the transformation of the world:

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The best of the listed articles, Rev. Dr. Jeremiah Gibbs makes connections between the cultural and institutional realities and our individual experiences, helping us envision a positive response and more holy world.

This 45-minuute conversation from On Point and Boston Public Radio explores some of the sources and reactions to the “Pick Up Artists” and other online movements which Rodger referenced in his video message.  A thoughtful analysis of responsibility and practical recommendations for difficult conversations conclude this feature.

This long-form article discusses another element to the question of self-image and internalized hatred based upon race or gender.  For readers unfamiliar with the concept of “internalized oppression,” consider reading this Wikipedia definition.

Rev. Bromleigh McClenegham,  who has blogged in this space previously, writes in Christian Century that the hashtag trend is not a call for hand-wringing or a claiming of victim status, but a call to action.

A gentle, positive blog article describing this author’s approach to understanding and addressing his male privilege.

Too often, a woman’s perspective is challenged or viewed as less trustworthy by mass media or individuals, because we are insufficiently prepared to hear the disturbing or jarring reality she has experienced.   This article reveals just a few common ways in which this marginalizing of women’s voices takes places in conversations.

What have you been reading?

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