Women's leadership in annual conferences

by Craig This

The chart below* lists the top 10 U.S. annual conferences that have the highest percentage of leadership positions held by women (lay and clergy). This chart looks at only leadership positions because this is where decisions, authority and power are held. Generally when assessing the overall statistics of an organization, there is a high percentage of women primarily because women are employed as support staff rather than managerial/leadership staff.

Conferences All leadership positions reported % of women in leadership position
Nebraska 18 83%
Minnesota 35 80%
Western Pennsylvania 28 71%
Southwest Texas 38 71%
Wyoming 17 71%
South Carolina 84 70%
Red Bird Missionary 10 70%
Western North Carolina 20 70%
Wisconsin 28 68%
Central Texas 34 68%
North Carolina 43 67%
Troy 6 67%
Kansas East 30 67%
Pacific Northwest 36 67%

The chart below* lists the 10 annual conferences with the lowest percentage of women in leadership positions within the conference.

Conference All leadership positions reported % of women in leadership position
California-Pacific 72 54%
Kansas West 30 50%
Memphis 24 50%
Alabama West Florida 27 48%
Florida 42 48%
South Georgia 31 45%
Kentucky 43 44%
Northwest Texas 14 43%
Yellowstone 102 41%
Texas 1314 27%

What is the gender balalnce we seek in our leadership? What other factors (age, race, ethnicity, experence, etc.) need to be considered in determining the mix of leadership? What effects does the mix of leadership have on the future direction of the church?

- Craig This is data analyst at Wright State University in Dayton, Ohio.

* Annual conferences NOT reporting: East Ohio, Greater New Jersey, Holston, Indiana, New York, Northern Illinois, Rio Grande, Rocky Mountain and Susquehanna.

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