GCSRW Equips Laity and Clergy in North Mozambique

Ms. Becky Williams, pictured in yellow, leads the sexual ethics training in North Mozambique Annual Conference. 

by Eurico Gustavo

The General Commission on the Status and Role of Women (GCSRW) sexual ethics training regarding response teams, ethics and boundaries in ministry took place from the 22nd through 23rd of February at the seminary. This training led by GCSRW equipped laity and clergy in North Mozambique with resources and information. The training’s goals were to make people aware of the use and misuse of power, to define and understand the role of ministry in whatever context it serves, to become more aware of the importance for self-care and spiritual nurture, to define, recognize and respect boundaries, and finally, to become familiar with The United Methodist Church sexual ethics. 

group in North Moz

Particpants in GCSRW's training.

According to Ms. Becky Williams, Senior Director of Sexual Ethics and Advocacy at GCSRW, Bishop Nhanala is the one who invited the team to come to Mozambique and minister namely on two subjects: the boundaries in healthy ministry and the response to sexual misconduct and accountability and healing. 

becky leads training

Ms. Becky Williams, pictured in yellow, leads the sexual ethics training in North Mozambique Annual Conference. 

In conversation with Ms. Becky Williams on this training she said, “The training was very well attended with great participation in questions being asked and conversation. I thought the participants wanted to learn the process of responding accordingly to the Discipline and also there was much conversation around how to have healthy relationships in ministry and not violate boundaries. The Mozambique Annual Conference is moving toward the use of response teams in cases of sexual misconduct in the Church. The goal is that as leaders you will go back and train others.”

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