The Benefit of Clergywomen Friendships A Vlog from PastorBesties

The story that’s told is that women are catty or unsupportive of one another.  There is another story— it’s one about clergywomen friendships.  We have a lot in common and need to share our joys & burdens together.  On this episode of #pastorbesties, we talk about the importance of female clergy friendships.  Share some of your stories in the comments or using #pastorbesties on Twitter.

Nicole Cox and Melissa Meyers met and became fast friends, bonding over The United Methodist Church, reality TV, & Bravo. After a mutual desire for a reality show, #pastorbesties was born!  The #pastorbesties vlog is a YouTube video series where Nicole and Melissa show what it’s like being a young, female clergy person, as well as some thoughts on topics about faith, life, and reality TV.  

Nicole is an ordained elder in the Illinois Great Rivers Conference.  Her deepest passion for ministry lies in helping people realize that Jesus loves them more than they could imagine and, because of that love, we are called to change the world.  Nicole is married and has two young kiddos.  She loves TV, reading, movies, and The Beatles.  Catch up with Nicole on Twitter at @RevNicoleCox.

Melissa is an ordained elder in the Northern Illinois Conference.  She is in her 10th year of appointed ministry and is passionate about ministry in the 21st century, connecting generations together, and pop culture. It is her not-so-secret desire to have her own reality show someday.  You can find her blogging at or on Twitter at @pastormelissa.

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