Service of Lament draws hundreds, but plenary still shows inequity

On Monday evening, as the sun set over Charlotte, over 150 delegates and friends participated in the Service of Lament, Confession, and Hope. It was an open apology for survivors harmed by The United Methodist Church direct and indirect action. We confessed our sin of silence and recommitted ourselves to developing safe and healthy churches that honor and protect the whole person.

Alejandra Salemi delivering the Young People's Address at General Conference 2020

Much of what was shared in the service of lament was also reflected in the message of Rev. Dr. Jerry Pillay, the General Secretary of the World Council of Churches, yesterday morning. We have been urged to listen for the voice of God, which calls us to address injustices like war, violence, hunger, effects of climate change, and abuse, which disproportionately affect women and children. We cannot be silent, we must stand for justice.

We joyfully witnessed and celebrated the installation of Bishop Tracy Smith Malone, the first Black woman bishop to serve as the President of the Council of Bishops! Bishop Marjorie Matthews was the first white woman elected to the episcopacy in 1980 and assigned to serve the Wisconsin Episcopal Area. The first Black woman elected to the episcopacy was Bishop Leontine T.C. Kelly, in 1984, and served the California-Nevada Conference.

Though the worldwide membership of The United Methodist Church is over 50% women, of our active bishops, only 20 of the bishops are women and 40 are men. During this General Conference, 5 female bishops and 7 male bishops have presided over our work.

Alejandra Salemi delivering the Young People's Address at General Conference 2020

We celebrate our delegates and their deep passion for the work of The United Methodist Church. Of those who participated in yesterday's discussions from the floor, 38.3% were women, 61.7% were men. Let us continue to work towards discussions that express our diversity.

Alejandra Salemi delivering the Young People's Address at General Conference 2020

May we live into our faith as expressed in yesterday's hymn: “Make us one now, make us one now; For God’s witness in our time, for God’s witness in our time. Holy Spirit, come and bless us. Give a vision for our day. Give a vision large and mighty to your people now we pray.”

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