World Methodist Historical Society

The Society's Purpose

  1. To identify and coordinate the activities of the historical agencies of all the denominations which have their roots in the Methodist movement of the 18th century, including those United or Uniting churches in which Methodist denominations have been incorporated.
  2. To promote the organization of historical agencies in Methodist or Methodist-related denominations.
  3. To assemble in regional conferences representatives of Methodist and Methodist-related bodies who are interested in Methodist history.
  4. To disseminate information about the activities of Methodist historical agencies, especially through the Historical Bulletin.
  5. To encourage and assist in the preservation of books, documents, artifacts, buildings, and sites connected with Methodist history.

The Society's Activities

The Society holds a quinquennial meeting every five years at the site of the World Methodist Council.

Regional meetings and special gatherings are held regularly in various parts of the world. Notices of these meetings are published in the Historical Bulletin which is distributed to all of the members of the Society.<

The Society sponsors an important research project, the Catalog of Methodist Archival and Manuscript Collections. This project will ultimately provide a listing of all the important Methodist manuscript collections around the world. These catalogs are available for sale by the editor.

The Benefits of Membership

  1. All members receive an electronic version of the Historical Bulletin, the newsletter of the Society. This newsletter contains news, notices of meetings, and comments about new publications and is published as submissions warrant.
  2. The satisfaction that you are supporting an organization which is dedicated to the preservation of the Wesleyan and Methodist heritage around the world.

To receive the free electronic version of the WMHS's Historical Bulletin, please provide the following information to [email protected]:

  • Name
  • Email address
  • Mailing address

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