World Communion Sunday Litany

Leader: Today, on World Communion Sunday, we remember that we are one. Today, we celebrate the Spirit of God that moves throughout God’s people across all of creation. 

People: We are one in Christ. 

Leader: Today we remember our responsibility to bear with one another in love, to maintain unity by the bond of peace and to be the body of Christ in the world.  

People: We are one body.

Leader: Today we recall that, as members of one body, we can make a difference in a world of people in need of the hope of the love of Christ. Today, we recognize this hope that unites us and sustains us. 

People: We are people of one hope. 

Leader: Today we celebrate our unity. We set aside the small things that can divide us and remember that, with God, we can overcome all things. Today we are reminded that only with gentleness and humility can we clearly see God’s plan for us. 

People:  We are people of one Lord.

Leader: Today, on World Communion Sunday, we acknowledge that we belong to God and to each other. We share the bread and the cup of Holy Communion. And through our gifts on this special Sunday, we provide scholarships and other opportunities so that people around the world can serve Jesus Christ.

All: We are people of one God who is above all and through all.  

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