World Communion Sunday Childrens Sermon


Bring a globe or a world map. Choose some places where you have lived or visited or where you know someone. Prepare to locate and talk about these places. If you have a souvenir from another country, it may be fun to bring that to show to the children as well. 


Greet the children as you typically do. Say: I have brought something special for us to look at today. Does anyone know what this is? Take time for them to answer. Say: A map or a globe shows where all the countries are in the world are. Show the children where they are on the map. Ask: Has anyone here traveled to another country? Take time to find where the children have been. If the children have not been outside of the United States, ask about countries they might want to visit and why. You can also talk about one or two places you have visited and show them souvenirs.  

Say: Today is World Communion Sunday. Today we remember that God’s church isn’t just here inside our sanctuary. It is full of people from all around the United States and all around our world. We all do God’s work together!  Each of us has something we can do to show God’s love to the world. Ask: What are some things that you can do? Take some answers. Say: No matter how big or small we are, we can all show God’s love. Just think about all the people around the world showing God’s love!

Closing Prayer

Loving God, thank you for big church full of your people from all over the world! Give us courage to show your love to everyone we meet. Amen.

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