This screencast tutorial dives deeper into online design tools churches can use to create eye-catching communication materials like sermon aids, posters, bulletins and social memes.
Previously, MyCom hosted a few podcasts about social media graphics:
- MyCom Podcast Episode 6, Storytelling for Churches, part 2
- MyCom writer and podcast host Dan Wunderlich’s video tutorial on how to make memes using or Adobe Spark (free web-based design apps)
- Tutorial on how Adobe Spark can help your church create sermon series graphics, scripture quotes, event posters and resize images for all major social media channels
Canva and Crello
Canva and Crello work similarly to Adobe Spark but can help create a broader breadth of communication materials. They both work in a similar way, but Canva provides specific tools to work better as a team and maintain a consistent brand look and feel. Also, Canva for Work is free for nonprofits, which puts it at the top of my list.
In this screencast, we'll guide you through the steps in using Canva.
Related Resource
Screencast Notes (.doc)

Eric Seiberling is part of a husband-wife duo working to help the church embody "1 > 99" at He leverages his 20+ years of marketing and consulting experience to help churches "baptize" and use secular techniques to be more effective at reaching the lost, the least and the last for Jesus Christ.