UMCOR relief supply kits

Instructions for assembling a hygiene kit for disaster response. Screengrab from UMCOR assembly video.
Instructions for assembling a hygiene kit for disaster response. Screengrab from UMCOR assembly video.

The United Methodist Committee on Relief (UMCOR) provides assistance to persons and communities in aftermath of natural disasters or crises. One way UMCOR offers relief is by providing affected persons with supply kits to help them as they strive to rebuild and restart their lives. You can help UMCOR in its mission by assembling and donating supply kits within your church and shipping them to one of UMCOR's two supply depots in the United States.

UMCOR provides three different types of kits to assist with recovery.

Cleaning kits provide supplies to help individuals and families clean up after flooding, hurricanes, tornadoes and other natural disasters.

Hygiene kits replace basic necessity items lost in a disaster such as toothbrushes, hand towels and soap to help persons stay clean and healthy.

Menstrual Hygiene kits include school supplies for children as they return to the classroom.

To learn more about more about how to assemble and donate relief supply kits visit the UMCOR Relief Supplies page.

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