Moment for Mission
I am grateful to Christ Jesus our Lord, who has strengthened me, because he judged me faithful and appointed me to his service. — 1 Timothy 1:12
Today, our thoughts inevitably turn to the events of 15 years ago on Sept. 11. Our prayers are directed toward those most affected by the tragedies. It was a day in which our nation desperately needed messages of comfort and hope. It was only through that communication and unification in prayer that healing could begin.
There have been other tragedies and disasters in the years that have passed. Other moments that have brought us to our knees asking difficult questions, seeking comfort and hope for the future. We, United Methodists, have faith leaders and faith communities we can turn to in difficult and devastating moments. As United Methodists, we are called to the work of making disciples for the transformation of the world in the midst of such tragedies.
In a time when technology continues to change the face of communication, we have a message of good news, of hope for the hopeless and empowerment for the powerless. The General Commission on Communications, or United Methodist Communications, is charged with leading us in fields of communication, public relations and news gathering and distribution.
Our apportionment giving to the World Service Fund supports United Methodist Communications and its work throughout the global church, including efforts to provide resources to help local churches and annual conferences communicate the good news.
Offertory Prayer
God, We thank you for the gifts of communication and community. Grant that we see with your eyes the global community, a community that is in need of so many things, including the testimony of our faith in word and deed. Give us a generous spirit to support the work of communicating hope to the hopeless. Amen.
From Discipleship Ministries: Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost - O Lord, our refuge, you alone bring deliverance. Your great faithfulness extends to the heavens! Thank you for redeeming us with new life and strength. When we are afraid, your spirit helps us to trust in you. Give us faith and diligence as we seek to do your will. Use our offerings and gifts for the work of your kingdom, even as we await the return of your Son Jesus Christ in glory. We pray in his name. Amen. (Psalm 14)
Newsletter Nugget
As United Methodists, we are charged by our Book of Discipline to communicate our faith by speaking and listening to persons inside and outside of the church throughout the world and using whatever means of communication available. The General Commission on Communications, or United Methodist Communications, is the body within The United Methodist Church appointed to lead the church in accomplishing that task.
The scope of the agency's work spans the globe, but its impact also resonates locally and on very personal levels. Its promotion of general funds and programs has helped us Imagine No Malaria, enable United Methodist students to go to college and future clergy to pursue their calling, and complete disaster relief around the world.
Our generous gifts toward our World Service Fund apportionments support the important work of communicating faith to the world, near and far. When we support United Methodist Communications, we support a United Methodist agency that supports the whole body.