October 22 – General Administration Fund

A Moment for Mission

“We remember your work that comes from faith, your effort that comes from love, and your perseverance that comes from hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God.”
—1 Thessalonians 1:3, CEB

The General Administration Fund supports the critical work of the church that’s less visible than many of our other missional expressions.

Guided by God’s Spirit, the General Administration Fund keeps the faith, love and hope of The United Methodist Church alive in the world.

Every four years, delegates from around the globe, selected by their peers, meet to discern the church’s future at General Conference. Our church’s highest court, the nine-member Judicial Council, executes its directive to uphold church law. The history that formed us, and can still guide us today, is being preserved. None of these—that allow us to continue our rich tradition of worship and service in the world—would be possible without The General Administration Fund.

Your giving is what ensures that the vital work of The United Methodist Church will continue to transform individuals and communities.

Children’s Message

Repeat today’s memory verse from 1 Thessalonians 1:3, CEB:

“We remember your work that comes from faith, your effort that comes from love, and your perseverance that comes from hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God.”
As we think about this message from Paul, we are going to learn about church finances in The United Methodist Church. Can anyone tell me what “finances” means? (pause for responses)

Finances are all about how money is managed and used.

(hold up a piece of paper with the word “FAITH” written on it) First, we’ll talk about faith in giving. Faith means believing in something even if we can’t see it. So, when we give money to the church, we’re showing our faith that God will use it for good things, even if we don’t see immediate results.

When we give, we’re helping the church serve others, support mission and maintain our church building. We have faith that our giving makes a difference.

(hold up a piece of paper with the word “LOVE” written on it) Giving is an act of love toward God and our church family. When we give, we’re showing our love for God’s work and the people in our church. Just like the Thessalonian church to whom Paul was writing in our memory verse, our giving is prompted by love.

(hold up a piece of paper with the word “HOPE” written on it) Hope is having confidence and trust in something good happening in the future. When we give, we contribute to the hope of a thriving church community. Our giving helps bring hope and makes a difference in the lives of others.

Give specific examples of how the church’s ministries offer hope to the local community. Our giving helps bring hope to those who need it.

We can all work together to support our church and its ministries through our giving. And our church’s gifts join with those of other United Methodist churches to bring faith, love and hope to people all over the world.

Repeat today’s memory verse from 1 Thessalonians 1:3, CEB:

“We remember your work that comes from faith, your effort that comes from love, and your perseverance that comes from hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God.”

Offertory Prayer

Thank you for the General Administration Fund, which, guided by your Spirit, keeps alive the faith, love and hope of our church in the world. Bless these offerings, multiply them and use them to bring hope, healing and transformation to the world. In the name of Jesus Christ, we pray. Amen.

Offertory Prayer (Discipleship Ministries)

Holy God, source of every good gift: the tithes and offerings we bring to you are simply a token of our desire to walk more closely beside you. We give, knowing that “rendering unto you what is yours” would mean leaving everything at your altar—all we have and all we are. We are not there yet, but with your help, we are on the road to getting there. Bless what we give; may it speak words of compassion, mercy and love as it empowers your mission and ministry. We pray this in the powerful name of Jesus, whose light we seek to follow. Amen. (Matthew 22:15-22)

Newsletter Nugget

“We remember your work that comes from faith, your effort that comes from love, and your perseverance that comes from hope in our Lord Jesus Christ in the presence of our God.” —1 Thessalonians 1:3, CEB

What is the General Administration Fund?

The General Administration Fund is one of the seven apportioned funds of The United Methodist Church. It underwrites and finances general church activities that are administrative in nature, for instance, the legislative branch of the church. The fund maintains a system of management oversight and fiscal responsibility within the church.

What role does the General Council on Finance and Administration play?

The General Council on Finance and Administration manages and administers the finances of the church; receives, disburses and accounts for the church’s general funds; and safeguards the denomination’s legal interests and rights. It also collects denominational statistical data for production of the general minutes and analysis and research.

What does the General Administration Fund have to do with General Conference?

The fund underwrites the legislative work of General Conference; that is, it is instrumental in making sure United Methodist delegates—selected by their peers from around the world—can meet to discuss and decide the church’s future at this quadrennial event.

How does the Judicial Council benefit from this fund?

The General Administration Fund supports the members of the Judicial Council as they adjudicate questions of church law.

Does the fund help preserve United Methodist history?

The General Administration Fund helps the General Commission on Archives and History maintain official documents and historical artifacts of The United Methodist Church. In addition, it supports the commission in its efforts to designate historical church shrines, landmarks and sites.

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