October 6, 2024 - World Communion Sunday


A Moment for Mission

“He is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact imprint of God’s very being, and he sustains all things by his powerful word.” —Hebrews 1:3, NRSVUE

Jesus is the exact imprint of God and the reflection of God’s glory. Jesus claims us as siblings and invites us to work together as a community to help cultivate a spirit of glory and honor in one another. This call to community and mutual support becomes especially powerful when we consider stories like that of Claudine Leary.

Claudine was one of a few children in her Rwandan village to attend primary school through high school. But the year she entered Rwanda National University, civil war engulfed the country and a time of horrific genocide ensued. Her education was interrupted when she had to flee the country and live in refugee camps for years. We might ask, “How can anything I do as one person so far away help someone trying to survive genocide in Rwanda?”

Because of resources like a United Methodist scholarship for higher education, Claudine found a path through hardship and suffering to make her way to something greater. Claudine was able to attend college thanks to funding from the World Communion Sunday offering.

Today, the Rev. Claudine Leary serves as the director of development at Methodist Theological School in Ohio and is involved with a nonprofit she cofounded to resource and advocate for the education of children living in refugee camps in sub-Saharan Africa.

On World Communion Sunday, we join ecumenically in acknowledging our unity in Christ as we come around his table. Jesus claims us as brothers and sisters and invites us to journey together to perfect love. Your gifts on World Communion Sunday benefit World Communion scholarships for graduate students from the U.S. and other countries and support Ethnic Scholarships for U.S. and international undergraduate students in the U.S. and Ethnic In-Service Training.

Children’s Message

Today’s memory verse is from Hebrews 1:3 (CEB) (Pause for the children to repeat each line):

The Son (Jesus) is the light of God’s glory

and the imprint of God’s being.

Today is World Communion Sunday. This is a day when Christians all around the world celebrate Holy Communion with a special reminder that we’re all part of one big family, no matter where we live!

(Hold up a globe or map) On this globe, we can see all the different countries where people live. Just like our Bible verse says, Jesus is the light and he shines brightly all over the world, bringing love and hope to everyone.

When we celebrate Holy Communion, we remember Jesus’s love for us. But it’s not just for us here in this church, or even just for people in our town or our country. It’s for everyone, everywhere! Just like this globe shows us, Jesus’s love reaches every corner of the earth.

Today, we’re also joining other United Methodist churches to collect a special offering that will help students all around the world go to school and become strong Christian leaders.

When we celebrate World Communion Sunday today, we remember that Jesus’s love knows no bounds. It reaches every person, in every country, and in every corner of the world. And we also will have an opportunity to share that love by helping others, for example, by giving to our special offering for students. Together, we can make a big difference and show God’s love to the whole world!


Glorious God, bless these World Communion Sunday offerings and the students who receive them. As this offering joins with other United Methodists’ gifts, transform them to reflect Christ’s love throughout the world. Amen.

Offertory Prayer: Discipleship Ministries

God of grace and mercy, as we bring our gifts before you today, we remember your infinite love that welcomes everyone, especially the vulnerable and the overlooked. Just as Jesus embraced the little children, we bring our offerings, hoping to reflect our dedication to living out your kingdom’s values. Help us to see and meet the needs around us with open hearts and willing hands, extending your grace and compassion to all. Bless these gifts and use them to further your work in our community and beyond, so everyone may know and feel your love. Amen. (Mark 10:2-16)

Newsletter Nugget

“He is the reflection of God’s glory and the exact imprint of God’s very being, and he sustains all things by his powerful word.” —Hebrews 1:3, NRSVUE


Prayer for World Communion Sunday

We gather to worship, celebrating the boundless love of our Lord Jesus Christ, who shines as the radiance of God’s glory. From the rising of the sun to its setting, we lift our voices in praise. God reigns over all the earth. We join with Christians from every corner of the globe. We unite in worship, giving thanks for the gift of Jesus by celebrating the bread and cup he shared. God, sustain us with your powerful word. Reflect your glorious being through your people. Amen.

Through your World Communion Sunday special offering, you journey with young leaders and strengthen them through education. Each United Methodist scholarship impacts not just the recipient, but all the people whom the scholar touches through their work. Together we are sustained by God’s word that guides us and we reflect God’s glorious being through our gifts.

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