Moment for Mission
"…so that everyone who belongs to God may be proficient, equipped for every good work." — 2 Timothy 3:17
Cultural anthropologist Margret Mead was credited with saying, "Never doubt the power of a small group of committed people to change the world."
As we consider the efforts of our laity — as individuals, small groups, and even on large scales, as with United Methodist Women and United Methodist Men — in making disciples for the transformation of the world, we know this to be true.
On Laity Sunday, we celebrate the work of the laity and their call to accomplish God's mission in the world. As United Methodists, we recognize that the work of ministry does not solely belong to the clergy. Laypeople work alongside clergy as lay servants, teachers and preachers, as well as in the administration of The United Methodist Church. Laity are involved with worship and discipleship leadership and planning. The laity of the church organize food pantries, clothing drives, local and international missions, afterschool ministries and feeding programs. Laity participate in pastoral care visits with hospitalized and homebound church members and serve communion.
We celebrate Laity Sunday because we know that all who belong to God, who follow Christ, are called to share in the work of God's kingdom. When we are able to generously give to the World Service Fund through apportionments, we are able to support the continued work of the laity of our United Methodist Church.
Offertory Prayer
Creator of All, We thank you for the gifts you have given each one. We thank you for the laity who serve among us, who allow their lives to worship you. Inspire us to continue supporting the work that is done for your kingdom in us and through us your church. Amen.
From Discipleship Ministries: Twenty-Second Sunday After Pentecost / in Kingdomtide - Generous God, thank you for the gift of salvation through Christ your Son. You bring joy to our hearts! Help us to respond to your grace by sharing our faith, talents, and monetary blessings through the ministries of this church. May your loving Spirit shine through all that we say and do. Accept these gifts that we offer through Jesus, our risen Lord. Amen. (2 Timothy 3:14–4:5)
Newsletter Nugget
The United Methodist Church sets aside one Sunday each year to celebrate Laity Sunday. On this day, we celebrate the countless hours of preparation and service that laity put into the church, in worship and all other areas of the church. Worship is more than a service to attend, it is a way of life. Our laity are the evidence of that as they live out their call to serve God and others in the church and the world.
In The United Methodist Church, laity are able to participate using their gifts in a variety of ways and in different areas of the church alongside clergy. All laity are called to love God and neighbor, to seek justice, and to make disciples for the transformation of the world.
Through our generous giving toward our World Service Fund apportionments, we are able to continue to support the work of our laity in the world and in the church.