Oct. 1 – World Communion Sunday (Today)

A Moment for Mission

For it is God who is at work with you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure. —Philippians 2:13, NRSV

We observe World Communion Sunday alongside members of many denominations the first Sunday in October each year. World Communion Sunday is a reminder that we are a part of the Body of Christ that is global. Our connection with other believers goes beyond our local churches, our conferences and jurisdictions, and even beyond our denomination. When we take Holy Communion, we are also taking it in communion with the faithful followers of Christ throughout the world.

As United Methodists, we observe World Communion Sunday with this reminder of the global church as well as with a call to give in a way that makes a global impact. World Communion Sunday is one of our denomination wide special offerings. Today's offering goes toward World Communion Scholars, providing scholarships to individuals connected with global ministries, further equipping them to better serve the church both in international settings and national settings in communities of color. Those receiving these scholarships to seminaries and universities continue in ministry to the church and community upon graduating for at least five years.

The World Communion special offering also goes toward Ethnic Scholarships for undergraduate education as well as Ethnic In-Service Training Program scholarships for ethnic and racial minority students pursuing church-related vocations as a second career. Our generous gifts on World Communion Sunday help to strengthen the ministry that is done globally and locally by equipping leaders.

Offertory Prayer
Loving God, Your love is for all and in all is Your image reflected. On this World Communion Sunday help us to see all people as children of God, all people in need of Your love. Open our hearts that we might give to strengthen and equip those who hear your call to carry your love to the world. Amen.

From Discipleship Ministries: Seventeenth Sunday After Pentecost / World Communion Sunday (Offering) - Most Gracious God, you hold each person's life as more precious than we can imagine. When we turn aside from following your way, you urgently call us back to your way. Send your Spirit to give us a new heart to live as faithful people who show forgiveness to others. We dedicate our lives and our money to help share your good news with our neighbors. We pray through Christ your Son, who gave his life for the sake of the world. Amen. (Ezekiel 18:1-4, 25-32)

Newsletter Nugget
World Communion Sunday is celebrated on the first Sunday in October. World Communion Sunday reminds us that in communion we are receiving the body of Christ that we may be the body of Christ in the world. World Communion Sunday reminds us that all who partake in this Holy meal are in communion with God and one another.

Some congregations take this opportunity to celebrate communion in ways that lift of the diversity of the body of Christ around the world. This can be heard in the different songs that are sung or even in the different languages spoken. No matter the way that World Communion Sunday is celebrated, it is a reminder that there are no political, social or national borders in the body of Christ.

The United Methodist Church takes this moment of remembering the global church to take up a special offering on World Communion Sunday. What is given to this special offering benefits World Communion Scholars as well as Ethnic Scholarships and the Ethnic In-Service Program.

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