Answering the Call, a guidebook for group mentoring of candidates for ordained ministry, is now available from the General Board of Higher Education and Ministry.
The new candidacy guidebook provides a more robust discussion of United Methodist beliefs and defines the sharp distinction between the discernment and application processes. It includes a guide to assist mentors as they lead discussions and prepare mentor reports.
The guidebook also features two new chapters to help candidates fully understand health considerations and educational expenses.
"Our hope with this new edition is that we have been responsive to conferences as they have developed a model for mentoring in candidacy groups as well as addressing some of the emerging needs of candidates regarding health and financial literacy," says the Rev. Meg Lassiat. Director of candidacy, mentoring and conference relations at Higher Education and Ministry, Lassiat edited the candidacy guidebook.
Candidates and conference representatives can order the new guidebook through UMCARES, www.umcares.org. An electronic version of the guidebook is currently available.
Candidates who have begun using the 2009 guidebook, Fulfilling God's Call, may complete that edition rather than changing books midstream. For additional information, contact the candidacy office at [email protected].
Originally published by Interpreter Magazine, July–August 2016.