May 08 – Mother’s Day/Festival of the Christian Home/Golden Cross Sunday (Annual Conference decides date and offering purpose.)

May 08 – Mother’s Day/Festival of the Christian Home/Golden Cross Sunday (Annual Conference decides date and offering purpose.)

A Moment for Mission

“The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not want. He makes me lie down in green pastures; he leads me beside still waters; he restores my soul.” —Psalm 23:1-3a, NRSV

Hospitalization—whether for ourselves or for a loved one—is tough. Often added to the burden of recovering from illness or injury is the challenge of paying medical bills. Many people simply cannot afford health insurance. Thanks to the Golden Cross Sunday offering, shared across The United Methodist Church, that worry is eased.

In the North Carolina Annual Conference, for example, the Golden Cross ministry reaches out in love to laity experiencing financial difficulty due to excessive medical expense. Through the annual offering, United Methodists care for members of our local churches in time of emotional stress and financial need. The conference has served scores of families. Each represents a person active in their local congregation who, in a moment of struggle, found means of grace and love coming from their church.

Another grant opportunity, “One Who Is Loved,” is specifically for children with special needs. This permanent endowment makes possible love gifts to benefit children, ages 0-17 years, who require specialized medical equipment, supplies/medicine or transportation to hospitals or treatment centers. North Carolina pastors are encouraged to recommend children for “One Who Is Loved.”

Across The United Methodist Church, Golden Cross Sunday is observed annually on a date determined by each annual conference. An offering may be received for health and welfare ministries in the conference. Whenever your conference chooses to celebrate this special Sunday, please give generously.

Adapted from North Carolina Conference website. Used by permission.

Children’s Message
Joey broke his arm while climbing a tree. His little sister, Jane, has cerebral palsy. She uses a tiny walker to get around. Their grandparents live in a retirement home. Joey, Jane, their parents and their grandparents all are active in a United Methodist church in their town.

Their entire family could benefit from the church’s Golden Cross Sunday offering. Money shared by other United Methodists could help with Joey’s doctor bill, Jane’s special walker and care for their grandparents.

Sometimes, we imagine our offering going far away, helping people we may never meet. Yes, our gifts serve people around the world.

But they also reach out to people in our own church and community, changing lives and giving help and hope. That is exciting!

Offertory Prayer
Loving God, through every moment of our lives, you are with us. You offer healing and hope. May we reach out in compassion to your children everywhere. We love you. Amen.

From Discipleship Ministries: Fourth Sunday of Easter — Holy God, you work wonders beyond our imagination. Thank you for all the faithful people you have inspired in the history of the church. You have sent into our lives kind Christians who have encouraged us in beautiful ways. Help us to keep growing as disciples led by your Spirit. May we become more devoted to good works and acts of charity, so that others will be blessed in turn. We pray in Jesus’ name. Amen. (Acts 9:36-43)

Newsletter Nugget
For more than a century, the Texas Annual Conference Golden Cross program has provided a healing ministry to United Methodists who need assistance with medical care. Many people have been restored to health and have had their faith restored as well, through the generosity of Christians in local churches and the benevolent medical care of doctors and hospitals throughout the conference.

The cost of medical care has risen greatly over the years. Many working families cannot afford medical care and health insurance. As the number of uninsured and underinsured families grows, the requests for help from Golden Cross also increase.

Often, Golden Cross asks doctors or medical labs to discount a bill. This allows your donation to help more individuals.

Across The United Methodist Church, Golden Cross Sunday is observed annually on a date determined by each annual conference. An offering may be received for health and welfare ministries in the conference. In the Texas Conference, many congregations choose a Communion Sunday for Golden Cross offerings.

Adapted from Texas Annual Conference website. Used by permission.

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