A Moment for Mission
"I must work the works of him who sent me while it is day; night is coming when no one can work." — John 9:4, NRSV
This Sunday, we are observing UMCOR Sunday. This is one of six special offerings observed across The United Methodist Church. The ministries of the United Methodist Committee on Relief reach people who are at their most vulnerable in the United States and across the globe. Whether it is in the wake of a natural disaster, the aftermath of war and conflict, or helping those who suffer from chronic hunger or a lack of clean water, The United Methodist Church is able to respond because of the work of UMCOR.
One of the ways that UMCOR responds is through work done with communities locally and abroad to train, educate and equip communities with resources and practices that will allow them to have greater sustainability with agriculture. This is more than collecting and delivering food. This is the old adage of, "Give a man a fish and he eats for a day; teach a man to fish and he will eat for a lifetime" put into action. UMCOR is able to stay in places long enough to truly invest in communities.
UMCOR, a ministry of The United Methodist Church through the General Board of Global Ministries, is funded through the UMCOR Sunday offering and other giving opportunities. The generous giving on this Special Sunday covers UMCOR's costs of doing business. That means 100 percent of every dollar you give to designated UMCOR programs helps some of the world's most vulnerable people.
Offertory Prayer
Great Provider, we thank you for your abundant gifts in this world you created to sustain us. Grant us a spirit of hospitality and generosity as we consider the challenges that some of us, near and far, are facing, such as loss, hunger, a lack of clean water, and unsafe places to live. Amen.
From Discipleship Resources: Fourth Sunday in Lent (UMCOR Sunday/One Great Hour of Sharing Offering) -Generous God, you tenderly care for each person you have created. You miraculously restore people to health, and shine light into the lives of those who are discouraged. Guide us so that we will not regard others according to outward appearances but seek to find your love in their hearts. We dedicate our offerings and ourselves to contribute to the work of your kingdom on earth until Christ returns in glory. Amen. (1 Samuel 16:1-13)
Offertory Slides 1
Offertory Slides 2
Newsletter Nugget
Sunday, March 26, is UMCOR Sunday. Improving global health is one of the many ways the United Methodist Committee on Relief seeks to do the work of God in the world. Interrupting the cycles of poverty that contribute to malnutrition and hunger is one specific way that UMCOR works to improve global health.
Nearly 1,000 children die each day from hunger, but it sometimes may seem a concern that is far from home. The truth is that hunger is even closer than some of us realize, as 14.3% of the total United States population lives in poverty, including one in five children.
In order to truly interrupt these cycles of poverty, UMCOR is committed to staying in a community and staying connected to the partners in ministry that are carrying out this important work. The commitment of UMCOR in the face of hunger and malnutrition, as well as in the aftermath of crisis and natural disasters, is made possible by our generous giving on UMCOR Sunday.