March 11 – UMCOR Sunday (Today)

Moment for Mission

"For we are what God has made us, created us in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life." — Ephesians 2:10, NRSV

The United Methodist Committee on Relief is the arm of The United Methodist Church that responds to the needs of the world.

UMCOR does the work of humanitarian relief, sustainable development and improving global health. On UMCOR Sunday, we celebrate the work that is done that heals bodies and souls in the midst of disaster and crisis. This is the work that God has laid out for us.

Paul, in his letter to Ephesians, writes that doing this good work is to be "our way of life." 

The work of UMCOR is our work, the work of God's people called The United Methodist Church. Our gifts on this day are given for those in the most difficult circumstances from Mozambique to Middle America.

UMCOR is there digging out after earthquakes, tsunamis, tornadoes. UMCOR is there for families that stricken with disease because of their lack of access to clean drinking water. UMCOR is present with refugees who have lost their homes. 

If you have ever thought there was nothing you were able to do to help in the face of crisis, there is. It is making your commitment to these good works a way of life, beginning with giving to make the work possible.

UMCOR Sunday is our time to commit to bringing the light of hope and restoration to a world in need. 

Offertory Prayer
Giver of Life, we lift up to you those in need of hope, healing and restoration. Grant that we would be givers of our time and of our gifts that the doing of your good work would be our way of life. Amen. 

From Discipleship Ministries: Fourth Sunday in Lent – Generous God, you beautifully show mercy to us, from the beginning of our life to the end, even to eternal life. We act more like your people in the Bible than we like to admit: doubting, impatient, complaining about the sweet manna you provide. Open our eyes to see the truth about ourselves. Give us hope in your power to heal and renew us, individually and as a church. By your Spirit, help us to trust you with our whole heart. May we respond to your great love with generosity. Receive these gifts and offerings for the renewal of our congregation and wider community in Jesus' name. Amen. (Numbers 21:4-9)

Newsletter Nugget
On March 11, The United Methodist Church will celebrate UMCOR Sunday, honoring the work of the United Methodist Committee on Relief.

UMCOR is The United Methodist Church at work in the world. UMCOR is prepared to provide training, assistance and long-term support in response to disasters. UMCOR is equipped to assist in finding sustainability in communities that are in need of education, improved sanitation and sustainable agriculture. UMCOR is committed to improving global health by working against the spread of malaria and HIV and working for better maternal health. 

As the people of God, The United Methodist Church seeks to do the work of God in our communities and in our world. With UMCOR, we are able to make an impact that transforms lives around the globe.

People displaced by flood, famine, earthquake or political conflicts are able to find home again. Generations of people have become free from preventable disease. All of this is made possible by the people of The United Methodist Church who have been faithful in giving to UMCOR.

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