March 02, 2025 – Transfiguration Sunday – World Service Fund

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Photo credit: Freepik

A Moment for Mission

 “A voice came from the cloud, saying, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.”  Luke 9: 35, NIV

The phrase “inner glow” describes a radiant beauty that comes from within—a reflection of joy, peace, and spiritual fulfillment. It can also signify the warmth we feel through deep emotional and spiritual connections. Today’s scripture tells the story of the transfiguration, where Jesus' divine glory was revealed in a transforming moment.

The disciples witnessed this transformation in three powerful ways: Jesus' face became as bright as lightning while He prayed, He was suddenly joined by Moses and Elijah, and finally, a cloud covered them as God's voice commanded them to listen. These extraordinary moments confirmed that Jesus is the Son of God.

But transformation isn’t always visible. Have you ever had an internal experience that changed you profoundly—altering your connection with God or others? Have you ever had a moment that shifted your beliefs or actions?

This is the essence of a mountaintop spiritual experience—one that leaves us changed. While Jesus remained the same after the transfiguration, His disciples were transformed. Peter, in his awe, even suggested building shelters to capture the moment. Yet, this encounter wasn’t meant to be contained—it was meant to propel them forward in faith.

What change will you embrace to grow more like Jesus? Will you take on an unfamiliar task at church? Give more generously to missions? Invite someone to worship and share your faith journey?

Through the United Methodist World Service Fund, we are given opportunities to act on our faith. This fund supports ministries that transform lives across the globe—bringing light, hope, and change to those in need. When we listen to Jesus and step forward in faith, we become part of that transformation.

How will you respond to His call today?

Children’s Message

"Have you ever been outside on a really bright, sunny day? How does it feel when the sunlight touches your face?" (Pause for responses.)

"Sunlight can make us feel warm and happy, just like a big hug from God! In today’s Bible story, Jesus took His friends up a mountain, and something amazing happened—His face shone as bright as lightning! Then, a cloud appeared, and God’s voice spoke from it, saying, ‘This is my Son. Listen to Him!’ Can you imagine how surprised the disciples must have been?"

"But you know what? Jesus didn’t change—He was always the Son of God. The disciples were the ones who changed! They saw Jesus in a new way, and it helped them understand how important it is to listen to Him."

"Sometimes, we don’t see big, glowing lights or hear God’s voice from a cloud, but we can still be changed inside when we listen to Jesus. Have you ever helped someone, shared your toys, or been kind to a friend? That’s listening to Jesus! Every time we do something loving, we shine God’s light for others to see."

"One way our church listens to Jesus is by helping people through something called the United Methodist World Service Fund. This fund helps people all over the world by sharing food, building schools, and taking care of others. Even though we may not travel far, we can still shine Jesus’ light by giving, praying, and helping right here at church!"

Prayer: Dear Jesus, thank You for showing us Your love and light. Help us listen to You and share Your kindness with others. Thank You for our church and for all the ways we can help people around the world. Amen

Offertory Prayer

Gracious and Loving God,

Thank You for the many ways You bless us. As we bring our gifts before You today, we remember the voice from the cloud that declared, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to Him.” Help us to listen to Jesus and follow His example of love, generosity, and service.

May these offerings shine Your light in the world—feeding the hungry, comforting the hurting, and spreading the good news of Your love. Bless the work of the United Methodist World Service Fund, that through these gifts, lives may be transformed, and Your kingdom may grow.

Use us, Lord, to be a reflection of Your grace. In Jesus' name, we pray. Amen.

From Discipleship Ministries

Glorious God, who reveals the light of your presence, we bring these gifts as a testament to your transforming power. Jesus was transfigured before his disciples; transform us to reflect your love and grace. Use these offerings to shine your light in the world, bringing hope and healing. In the name of your beloved Son, we pray. Amen. (Luke 9:28-36)

Newsletter Nugget

In Luke 9:35, God’s voice declares, “This is my Son, whom I have chosen; listen to him.” The transfiguration was a powerful moment for the disciples—one that changed them forever. Though Jesus remained the same, they saw Him in a new light and were called to follow Him more closely.

We, too, are called to listen and respond. How will you embrace change to grow more like Jesus? Will you serve in a new way, give more generously, or invite someone into faith? Through the United Methodist World Service Fund, we have the opportunity to shine Christ’s light, supporting ministries that transform lives around the world.

Let’s listen to Jesus and step forward in faith, knowing that when we do, His light shines through us. How will you share His light this week?

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