July 17 – Women’s Ministry Sunday (congregation determines date)/World Service Fund (United Women in Faith, formerly United Methodist Women)

uwfaith.org website.
uwfaith.org website.

A Moment for Mission

“I trust in the steadfast love of God. … I will thank you forever because of what you have done. In the presence of the faithful I will proclaim your name, for it is good.” — Psalm 52:8b-9, NRSV

In March 2022, United Methodist Women announced its new name: United Women in Faith. A new logo and new and improved programs were created to nurture current members and welcome new women to join.

Five years of research with more than 24,000 United Methodists and women of other Christian traditions informed the prayerful discernment of staff and elected leaders.

The changes are designed to address the unique needs and life stages of current members and new women and expand options for membership and engagement. The new name also aims to welcome current members whose local churches may choose to disaffiliate from The United Methodist Church as well as women of other faith traditions who want to join.

“This is an exciting time for our organization,” said Harriett Jane Olson, CEO of United Women in Faith. “Looking back, we see through lines for organization: faith in God, love for each other and commitment to putting our faith into action, supporting women, children and youth.

“These commitments,” she continued, “have been expressed in different ways at different times using different names, always calling women to world-changing action. This combination of a new look, more accessible resources for members and new ways to participate positions us for impact in our own journeys and in how we engage the world that God so loves.”

The organization remains incorporated in New York as United Methodist Women and is doing business as United Women in Faith.

Children’s Message
Does your mom, grandmother or aunt belong to a women’s group at church?

You may have heard of United Methodist Women. Its new name is United Women in Faith. “Faith” means trusting in God.

United Women in Faith study the Bible. Then they find ways to share their lessons by trying to live as Jesus did—helping people, telling others about God and praying. They may collect school supplies for children. They may teach Sunday school. They may help with the worship service by singing in the choir, reading from the Bible or preaching.
Isn’t it wonderful that people of all ages can serve God? And isn’t it great that women are strong leaders in our church and community? I am so thankful for that!

Offertory Prayer
Loving God, thank you for your steadfast love. Show us new ways to engage others and to put our faith into action, especially supporting women, children and youth. We love you. Amen.

From Disciple Ministries: Sixth Sunday after PentecostLord of all wisdom and patience, what would it mean if we asked you to dedicate not only the gifts we give to the church, but all the rest that we keep, that we hold back. What if we lived as those whose every dollar, every talent, every hour was dedicated to making kindness, mercy, and justice the norm and not the exception? What would it mean if we really saw the places where indifference causes pain, hardship, and harm to souls, bodies, and creation itself? Help us to make this more than a hypothetical, but the reality of an offering of our whole being. We pray in the name of the One who gave his whole self for our redemption. Amen. (Amos 8:1-12)

Newsletter Nugget
United Methodist Women became United Women in Faith in March 2022. Its mission? To connect and nurture women through Christian spiritual formation, leadership development, creative fellowship and education so that they can inspire, influence and impact local and global communities. 

  • New and innovative programs to be rolled out throughout 2022 include:
  • a new, easier-to-navigate website with added features;
  • a new “All-Access” national membership option enabling women to join United Women in Faith via the new website and participate online or in person at local units or larger events;
  • Soul Care Retreats, a pilot recruitment program for members and their nonmember friends and new women focused on nurturing women’s bodies, minds and spirits; and
  • innovations to Mission u, the organization’s longtime spiritual growth and transformative education program. Beginning in spring 2022, Mission u will introduce new curricula each year for children, youth and adults—all focused on a shared biblical theme and adaptable for use in small groups, local churches, vacation Bible schools, retreats and other settings.

Adapted from “United Methodist Women is Now United Women in Faith,” Yvette Moore, director of public relations and marketing, March 2, 2022. Used by permission.

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